Labor relations differentiation in a modern high-tech enterprise (а case study)


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A conceptual model for the analysis of labor relations based on the methodology of the sociology of life is presented. Labor relations are considered as a synthesizing concept of the life world of an employee of a modern high-tech industrial enterprise. Empirical research data indicate differences in the state of key characteristics of labor relations (labor consciousness, labor behavior and the production environment) between employees of automated («A») and non-automated («NА») production sites. Among the employees of the «A» sites, the proportion of «conformists» is noticeably higher, there is a lower level of social well-being, job satisfaction and its components, involvement in the digital environment, vocational training and a more pronounced willingness to conflict in the enterprise. Among the employees of the «NА» sites, there is a higher proportion of «pragmatists» who are guided by material motives, well adapted to the production environment, satisfied with their current profession, career prospects and demonstrating a high level of social well-being. The conclusion is made about the reasons for this differencing and measures are proposed to accelerate the adaptation of workers to the new content of work in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution and the formation of their involvement levels in the affairs of the enterprise, the manifestation of initiative and creative attitude to work.

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Sobre autores

Vladislav Bocharov

Samara National Research University named after Academician S. P. Korolev; FCTAS RAS

Autor responsável pela correspondência

Cand. Sci. (Sociol.), Assoc. Prof., Department of Sociology and Cultural Studies, Associate Researcher Sociological Institute

Rússia, Samara; St. Petersburg


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