Interaction between National and Local Governments in Rural Revitalization of China



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The article examines the specifics of the interaction of rural working group sent by the Communist Party of China to rural areas with local party bodies and rural self-government; analyzes the selection mechanism and staffing requirements of such groups. Rural working group are an important institutional mechanism by which the party pursues its political line in rural areas. In different historical periods, the content of work in villages and the focus of assistance have changed. Such changes reflected to a certain extent the relationship between the rights of the rural community and the state authorities, as a result of which the village management structure was in a state of constant debugging. After the completion of the formation of a moderately prosperous society in all respects, the criteria for the selection and evaluation of personnel for working group on rural development sent to villages became more stringent. Despite the symbiotic relationship between rural groups and rural "two committees" (the local government committee and the local CPC committee) from the point of view of institutional norms, the specific practice of their interaction has a number of problems, among which are blurring in the distribution of powers and responsibilities, contradictions in the motivations of the activities of workers' working group on rural development and local "two committees". In this regard, rural target groups face a twofold task. First, they must comprehensively and correctly integrate into the daily activities and life of the village in order to build harmonious relations with farmers and rural "two committees". Secondly, such groups should pay more attention to two-way communication with organizations and institutions responsible for the mission of the task force to rural areas; do not hide the difficulties in their work and inform the leadership of the structures that sent the task force to the village about the problems that arise in order to receive all the necessary sufficient assistance.


Haiyang Xu

Institute of Public Administration, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

ORCID iD: 0009-0002-3316-6237
Ph.D. (Law), Professor at the Institute of Public Administration, Deputy Director of the Office of Political System Research Beijing, China

Chenling Chen

Huzhou University

ORCID iD: 0009-0008-0444-0122
Ph.D. (Philosophy), Lecturer at the International Institute of Huzhou University, Academic Secretary of the Center for Multicultural Studies Huzhou City, China


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