Problemy Dalʹnego Vostoka

“Problemy Dalnego Vostoka” (eng. “Far Eastern Studies”) is an academic and socio-political journal founded in March 1972.

The frequency of the Journal is 6 issues per year.


  • Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Institute of China and Contemporary Asia of the Russian Academy of Sciences


  • Russian Academy of Sciences

The journal is published under the supervision of the RAS Department of Historical and Philological Sciences (OIFN RAS).

About the journal

The journal gives information on the history, culture, politics and economy of the Asia-Pacific countries, offering the readers an opportunity to monitor the development of international cooperation, bilateral and multilateral relations in this dynamic and strategically important region of the world, which includes – in addition to the leaders of the modern world economy China and Japan, rapidly growing India, Vietnam and other ASEAN countries – Siberia and the Russian Far East with their colossal potential.

Among the authors of the journal are well-known political and public figures, prominent academicians, government officials, experts and researchers from Russia and foreign countries.

According to experts who constantly read the journal, it manages to combine political relevance, constant search for new ideas and new methodology and careful adherence to the best traditions of the Russian oriental studies, avoid being ideologized and preserve academicism. A wide range of issues under consideration, the publication of materials that are diverse in thematic and conceptual terms allow the publication to interest a wide variety of readers, each of whom finds something informative in it.

Since 2002, some articles of the journal have been translated into English and published as a separate periodical (“Far Eastern Affairs”, ISSN 0206-149X).

Media registration certificate: № 0110158 от 04.02.1993

Current Issue

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No 3 (2024)

Cover Page

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Strategies of Taiwanese Political Parties during the 2023-2024 Election Campaign
Kashin V.B., Pyatachkova A.S., SGoncharenko V.A., Alexandrova A.V.
Despite the fact that the presidential and parliamentary elections in Taiwan in 2024 took place in an unprecedentedly difficult international political environment, and the campaign itself was competitive, in general, the election results can be considered as consistent with preliminary polls. However, they highlighted a number of important trends in Taiwan's political life that will influence the island's future: notably, the DPP candidate won for the third time in a row. Although the expert community has recorded a softening of the position of DPP leader Lai Qingde regarding the issue of Taiwan's status compared to the previous period, the general rhetoric of party representatives creates the preconditions for maintaining tension in cross-strait relations. However, the fact that the KMT won the majority of seats in parliament will likely balance the situation. The current campaign is also specific considering that the struggle unfolded not only between representatives of two traditionally opposing camps — the DPP and the KMT but also a serious competition for the candidates came from representatives of the TPP, who also expanded their representation in parliament following the election results. Thus, Taiwan's political landscape is becoming more diverse and needs to be studied more seriously. Competition between the island's political powers inevitably has an impact on the political situation in the Taiwan Strait, which consequently affects relations with the mainland. The relations with Beijing remain a central issue for the political platforms of the main Taiwanese political parties. Within the two largest parties — the KMT and the DPP — relations with Beijing are the issue of serious internal debates. The balance of power in cross-strait relations has undergone major changes in recent years, as Taiwan's political forces have tried to adapt to the generational change and respond to major events such as the 2019 Hong Kong riots and the COVID-19 pandemic. The article examines the changes in the approaches of the Taiwanese parties to relations with the mainland in the run-up to the presidential and parliamentary elections in January 2024 and their possible consequences for relations between the sides of the Taiwan Strait.
Problemy Dalʹnego Vostoka. 2024;(3):9-26
pages 9-26 views
Interaction between National and Local Governments in Rural Revitalization of China
Xu H., Chen C.
The article examines the specifics of the interaction of rural working group sent by the Communist Party of China to rural areas with local party bodies and rural self-government; analyzes the selection mechanism and staffing requirements of such groups. Rural working group are an important institutional mechanism by which the party pursues its political line in rural areas. In different historical periods, the content of work in villages and the focus of assistance have changed. Such changes reflected to a certain extent the relationship between the rights of the rural community and the state authorities, as a result of which the village management structure was in a state of constant debugging. After the completion of the formation of a moderately prosperous society in all respects, the criteria for the selection and evaluation of personnel for working group on rural development sent to villages became more stringent. Despite the symbiotic relationship between rural groups and rural "two committees" (the local government committee and the local CPC committee) from the point of view of institutional norms, the specific practice of their interaction has a number of problems, among which are blurring in the distribution of powers and responsibilities, contradictions in the motivations of the activities of workers' working group on rural development and local "two committees". In this regard, rural target groups face a twofold task. First, they must comprehensively and correctly integrate into the daily activities and life of the village in order to build harmonious relations with farmers and rural "two committees". Secondly, such groups should pay more attention to two-way communication with organizations and institutions responsible for the mission of the task force to rural areas; do not hide the difficulties in their work and inform the leadership of the structures that sent the task force to the village about the problems that arise in order to receive all the necessary sufficient assistance.
Problemy Dalʹnego Vostoka. 2024;(3):27-41
pages 27-41 views
The 2024 Parliamentary Election in the Republic of Korea
Chernetskii F.M.
The parliamentary elections in the Republic of Korea were held on April 10, 2024. Although parliament is not as significant part of the political system as the presidency, its role does increase if the president and parliamentary majority are from different parties. This scenario developed after the 2022 presidential elections, which were won by Yoon Suk-yeol. As a result, the government's ability to implement policies that go against the opposition's opinion was limited. In the 2024 elections the ruling party aimed to gain a parliamentary majority or at least maintain its current position, while the opposition tried to achieve a constitutional majority. As a result, there was only an internal reshuffling of the political camps. The Democratic Party once again achieved a convincing victory, winning 169 of the 300 seats, while another 19 were won by DP’s allies. The ruling party won only 108 seats, marginally improving its performance in Seoul and Busan. Despite internal divisions, «third» parties were unable to achieve significant results. The opposition succeeded in consolidating the protest vote to counter the Yoon Suk-yeol’s administration, who will face opposition from parliament during his remaining three years in office. However, the opposition failed to achieve its goal of gaining a parliamentary majority.
Problemy Dalʹnego Vostoka. 2024;(3):42-55
pages 42-55 views


Main Trends in the Chinese Banks` Activities in Russia at the Beginning of the 14th Five-Year Plan
Serbina E.M.

The article analyzes the Chinese banks` activities in Russia in the first years of the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021–2025). Four subsidiaries of state-owned commercial banks (ICBC, Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China, China Construction Bank), and two representative offices of China Development Bank and Export-Import Bank of China respectively, operate in the Russian market. The banks provide a full range of banking products and services primarily to companies doing business with China, including lending, accounts opening and maintaining, foreign exchange and financial transactions, and letters of credit business. The author notes a significant increase of Chinese four subsidiaries` assets during 2022–2023. Regarding the liabilities, there was also a growth in the category "amounts due to credit organizations" (other banks` LORO accounts` transactions, interbank operations), which is associated with the necessity of an increased number of client payments due the increasing volume of Sino-Russo trade turnover and restrictions on settlements on USD and EUR. These trends have contributed to the growth of both the client base and profits of Chinese subsidiaries that charge commissions for account maintenance, settlements, and, moreover, had a positive impact on the increase in the volume of settlements in national currencies. The article analyzes the structure of settlements under foreign trade contracts and draws a conclusion about the growing predominance of national currencies. The author notes that in general, Chinese financial institutions pursue a cautious credit policy, focusing on maintaining stability and leveling various risks.

Problemy Dalʹnego Vostoka. 2024;(3):56-68
pages 56-68 views
Positions of China and Brazil On De-Dollarization of International Economic Relations and Prospects for Creating a New World Currency
Safronova E.I.

The paper is devoted to the consideration of the PRC and Brazil stances on the de-dollarization of international economic relations and the expansion of the practice of international payments in national currencies. The use of currencies other than the dollar is seen a logical starting point towards liberating the economic relations of the non-Western world from the pressure of the collective West. This pressure, implemented largely due to the fact, that dollar maintains the function of a world currency (according to K. Marx — “world money”), is aimed to tie economic policies and practices of US counterparties, including China and Brazil, to the American currency as a means of manipulating the world economic interests of other countries. The issue of creating international currency units alternative to the dollar is increasingly being raised in political and academic communities. China and Brazil are members of the BRICS forum, which currency’s creation is widely discussed at the international level. The author believes that the likelihood of creating such a currency is now low due to the peculiarities of the global financial and political situation, as well as the insufficient degree of integration within the BRICS itself. If the creation of a new currency (within the framework of a non-Western international structure) begins, then one of the ways of this is the formation of a currency basket in which the yuan can receive the greatest weight. However, the most achievable way of dedollarization seems a broad transition to the use of national currencies in global trade, investment and lending. The next step may be to create not a currency, but a special international unit of account, what is easier to do.

Problemy Dalʹnego Vostoka. 2024;(3):69-83
pages 69-83 views
China's Financial Liberalization: Specific Aspects and Effects6
Rakov I.D.

The article is devoted to studying financial liberalization in China. The study is identified the main stages of financial liberalization and its adjustments depending on internal and external circumstances. A new international financial crisis is growing and has already begun to affect China's economy. A comparative analysis of China and the G20 developing countries was carried out in terms of financial openness and financial integration into the global financial system, cryptocurrencies regulations and digital national currency, features of economic policy and the state of the external financial sector. China's liberalization policy began with the removal of restrictions on foreign direct investment and the current account. The priorities of the financial liberalization policy is changed by reason of the economy grows and develops: from domestic economic development to the financial expansion of other countries in order to gain access to new markets and technologies. But most restrictions on the movement capital remain in China. The use of cryptocurrencies as an opportunity to circumvent currency restrictions is legally prohibited, and instead an attempt is being made to impose a national digital currency on society. The degree of government participation in the economy plays an important financial liberalization. Comparing other developing countries, China has a much higher degree of government involvement in the economy. This allows to maintain macroeconomic stability within the country even during international financial and economic crises. It is concluded that a gradual and partial financial liberalization with the maintaining domestic macroeconomic stability will provide the best results.

Problemy Dalʹnego Vostoka. 2024;(3):84-100
pages 84-100 views


Features of Indonesia’s Low-Carbon Development Strategy
Ershov D.N.

The purpose of the article is to identify trends and features of the development of a low-carbon economy and climate control tools in Indonesia using methods of content analysis, quantitative and comparative assessment. Climate goals declared for the period up to 2030 and 2050 are analyzed and there has been a rise in climate ambitions, based largely on measures to decarbonise the land and forestry sector. The peculiarity of Indonesia's climate goals is that they are defined relative to a business-as-usual scenario, which assumes the current rate of growth in greenhouse gas emissions and are calculated subject to the provision of international financial assistance. The long-term strategy for low-carbon development until 2050 is considered and government priorities in the field of climate regulation are identified. While forced to maintain coal generation as its long-term energy backbone, Indonesia is seeking to pursue other avenues: introducing carbon pricing, incentivizing renewable energy, increasing production of electric vehicles, and developing and deploying carbon capture technology. By providing state support to priority areas, Indonesia actively takes advantage of the opportunities provided by international financial organizations to finance climate projects. It is concluded that the long-term low-carbon development strategy and associated climate goals in terms of greenhouse gas emissions and the time frame for achieving carbon neutrality are quite moderate, since they are based on a comparison with the business-as-usual scenario. With this approach to strategic planning, it will be possible to achieve the set goals by implementing measures only in the land and forestry sector, while the volume of greenhouse gas emissions in other sectors may not decrease, but increase in absolute terms. This approach is explained by national interests and the desire to preserve coal generation in the energy sector.

Problemy Dalʹnego Vostoka. 2024;(3):101-111
pages 101-111 views

Russian Far East

Intensification of Trade Interactions between the Regions of China and Russia
Khmeleva G.A.
The article identifies the Chinese provinces that are the points of growth of the Russian imports. Their main supply channels to the Chinese market are concentrated in the eastern coastal regions of China, being traditionally more developed. Russian imports are growing faster through the Chinese pilot free trade zones. However, geographical and product diversification is still slow. The supply structure of Russian products is still dominated by raw materials, while imports of high value added products are growing rapidly in some regions of China. The rapid growth of Russian imports is observed in some regions of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, which creates additional opportunities for the intensification of trade interactions with the Russian regions within the project «Volga-Yangtze». The connection of the export sectors of the economy of the Volga Federal District with the import of China is considered in more detail in the article as a potential for further intensification of trade interactions. The regions with a high level of economic diversification (the Nizhny Novgorod and the Samara regions) have the greatest opportunities for developing trade interactions. Current conditions indicate that prospects for the further intensification of Russian exports to China are determined by the expansion of production (in the regions with a high share of exports to China and other friendly countries), development of transport and logistics system, adaptation of Russian products to the needs of the Chinese consumer. One way to increase exports of Rus-sian high-value-added products is to reduce barriers to the supply of such products in China’s free-trade zones. In a limited international market, Russian regions may have to compete more for Chinese consumers as the domestic market becomes saturated.
Problemy Dalʹnego Vostoka. 2024;(3):112-128
pages 112-128 views
Problems of Transport Provision in the Regions of Eastern Siberia and the Far East
Provornaya I.V., Filimonova I.V., Gladkikh K.D.

The article provides a detailed analysis of the existing transport infrastructure in the East of the country, taking into account the development of export directions. A comprehensive study of two main railways, highways and ports that provide communication in the regions of Eastern Siberia and the Far East was carried out. The advantages, disadvantages and prospects for the development of the largest checkpoints have been identified. It is shown that there is an annual development and strengthening of the international integration of the eastern regions of Russia with the countries of the Asia-Pacific region, while taking into account the national interest of the Russian state. The integration of the eastern regions with the unified transport system of Russia is also developing by increasing the carrying capacity of the Eastern range. The number of border road and rail crossings is growing, port capacities are expanding, and the country’s key logistics hub is being formed. But despite this, it is shown that there are transport problems in the Far Eastern regions of the country: lack of supply railways to seaports, low railway capacity, poor development of transport infrastructure for the development of natural resources. It is concluded that there is a need to develop transport infrastructure in the Far East, which will improve socio-economic indicators in the eastern regions. The development of integration of the railway with sea ports will increase the export of raw materials and products with high added value from the mining and metallurgical, fuel and energy, chemical and agro-industrial complexes. Effective implementation of transit potential will not only make it possible to obtain economic benefits from participation in international transport, but will also create new instruments for Russia’s influence on global economic processes.

Problemy Dalʹnego Vostoka. 2024;(3):129-146
pages 129-146 views


Buddhist Esoteric Theory of Language in the Kokugaku School
Lepekhova E.S.

This paper is devoted to the analysis of the esoteric version of the origin of the Japanese language, put forward by the Buddhist monk Keichū 契沖 (1640–1701), who is considered the founder of the national cultural and philosophical movement kokugaku 國學, emerging during the Tokugawa period. In his main treatise Man'yō Daishōki 万葉代匠記, relying on his own set of orthographic rules for spelling Japanese in kana (kanazukai 仮名遣い), Keichū tries to prove the inconsistency of the former Fujiwara Teika system and at the same time to reveal the esoteric nature of the structure of speech. According to Keichū, fifty characters of the Japanese alphabet make up a whole integral system in which all sounds originate from the Sanskrit sign “A”. This shows the interdependent relationship between the microcosm and the macrocosm, expressed in the sounds that form the language as an instrument of communication and comprehension, which manifests the universality of the nature of the cosmic Buddha Vairochana. Based on this metonymic connection, Keichū concludes that studying the structure of the Japanese language is equivalent to cognition of the world as a sacred object and, accordingly, forms a more rational and open approach to understanding the essence of classical Japanese literature, which distinguishes it favorably from the closed linear tradition adopted in the Heian era. Further study of Man'yō Daishōki is of particular interest to researchers of the kokugaku school, since it may provide additional information about the Buddhist origins of this trend, whose followers then, on the contrary, denied the positive influence of Buddhism on Japanese culture and preferred not to mention Keichū at all as the founder of kokugaku tradition (for example, Hirata Atsutane). It may also shed light on the contribution of Buddhist philosophy to the formation of the tradition of scientific empiricism in Japan at the end of the XVII century.

Problemy Dalʹnego Vostoka. 2024;(3):147-160
pages 147-160 views


Christianity in Tang China: Texts and People
Alexanyan A.G.

Christianity-jingjiao along with Manichaeism and Zoroastrianism is one of the so-called ‘three barbarian teachings’ san yi jiao, which were introduced in mediaeval China almost simultaneously. All three teachings were able to adapt to the Chinese cultural and socio-political milieu and became part of the Chinese religious and cultural landscape. The fragmentary character of the Chinese jingjiao documents, which were found in Dunhuang, and a very obscure social and political status of this doctrine, however, make it very complicated and difficult to reconstruct the place of jingjiao in mediaeval Chinese society as much as its ideological and doctrinal features because of the vast absorption of the Taoist and Buddhist elements. Such an obscure and very ‘fuzzy’ character of this teaching makes its impact on studies resulting in highly improbable and erroneous conclusions. In this paper, an attempt has been made to classify periodically the steps in the studies of the Tang China jingjiao phenomenon, highlighting three basic periods in it, to characterize each of them and to single out the most important authors and their works and to pose or re-formulate some questions, which can appear in the process of the investigation of this problematic religious teaching, e.g. linguistic and philological problems, including textological and palaeographical ones; problems of historical context, given the wide cultural and political aspects of Tang China’s connections with Sasanian Iran and Silk Road states; questions of ethnic and religious identity, which seems to be very ambiguous matter; problems of decline and disappearance of jingjiao in later period.

Problemy Dalʹnego Vostoka. 2024;(3):161-176
pages 161-176 views

Scientific events

LIV Scientific Conference “Society and State in China”
Rudenko N.V.
Problemy Dalʹnego Vostoka. 2024;(3):177-185
pages 177-185 views

Book reviews

pages 186-191 views

Scholar Jubilee

Anniversary of Alexei Demosfenovich Bogaturov
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Problemy Dalʹnego Vostoka. 2024;(3):192-193
pages 192-193 views

Ad Memoriam

In Memory of Mikhail Vasilyevich Kryukov
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Problemy Dalʹnego Vostoka. 2024;(3):194-196
pages 194-196 views

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