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№ 4 (2023)


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Theory and methodology of history

Pyotr Kropotkin's Theory of Revolution

Gordon A.


The theory of the revolution, which reflects the world view and way of thinking of the prominent figure of the revolutionary movement, is difficult to assess unequivocally. Scattered across various texts, both scholarly and propagandistic, it had evolved markedly over time and appeared contradictory in some parts, which was ultimately due to the different factors under which it was formed. In all his work Pyotr Kropotkin defended the ideals of anarchism and socialism, seeing in the revolution the way to their fulfillment. The naturalistic view inherent in him, a natural scientist, conditioned his attitude towards revolution as an evolutionary process in the context of world-historical progressive development. In an evolutionary spirit, he considered the possibilities of mitigating social antagonisms, channeling their destructive energy in a positive direction. His humanism was an essential factor in his work, encouraging him to view all social phenomena through the prism of the realisation and development of moral principles. While resenting the suffering of the poor, Kropotkin reflected on the moral cost of retaliating against society's upper classes and the danger of mutual embitterment. Defending the dominant role of revolutions in history, Kropotkin admitted reform as an alternative in specific cases. The subject of revolution was to be the people, namely the workers and the oppressed social classes. The task of the progressive representatives of the educated sections of society was to point out the goals of the revolutionary struggle, to assist them in such an expression of their will. Justifying the spontaneous forms of mass protest, the thinker believed the enlightenment of the people to be necessary for the transformation of the destructive element embodied in the revolutionary acts into constructive creativity of the masses. Proclaiming socialist arrangement of society as the final goal of the revolution, Kropotkin allowed for a gradual transition to it. In the historical process, along with the interruptibility of progress, he noted the continuity of positive forms of sociality that had emerged in history, including those existing in bourgeois society.
Novaya i Novejshaya Istoriya. 2023;(4):5-17
pages 5-17 views

The age of discoveries and renaissance culture

The New and Old World Through the Eyes of A Discoverer: “The Sum of Geography” by Martín Fernández de Enciso

Védyushkin V.


The author analyses the treatise “Suma de Geografia” (1519) by the Spanish jurist, traveller, conquistador, and scholar Martín Fernández de Enciso. He focuses on Fernández de Enciso's biography prior to writing the book, especially his years in America, in particular his role in the creation and early application of the Requerimiento. He looks at the context and purpose of writing the treatise, its structure and meaning. “Suma de Geografia” reflects the state of knowledge of the new seas and lands discovered by Europeans during the Age of Discoveries, while going far beyond it, as the first attempt in the history of geographical thought to integrate a generalised knowledge of the New World into a comprehensive picture of the world. There are differences in the descriptions of the New and Old World: while the American part, based on personal experience and eyewitness accounts, contains information unique for such an early date, Old World descriptions are much more traditional, generally having antique and medieval prototypes, but are also of great interest because, being quite popular, they allow a better understanding of the inner world of a sixteenth-century man.
Novaya i Novejshaya Istoriya. 2023;(4):18-32
pages 18-32 views

“Land of Brazil” as “Land of Dyewood”: Visual Metaphors as a Means of Representing Portuguese America in Sixteenth-Century Narratives and Iconographic Sources

Okuneva O.


The author analyses the ways Portuguese America (Brazil) was identified as a land of brazilwood (Caesalpinia echinata Lam.) important for colouring textiles and creating sculptural decors in Europe. She discusses whether the word “Brazil” in the travelers’ books and on some geographical maps should be interpreted as a description (“land of dyewood”) rather than a simple toponym without a significant meaning. Examples from sixteenth-century texts and maps show that the difference between the name of the wood and the name of the country was not always marked with capital letters. The study is concentrated on the visual metaphors representing Brazil without textual comments: the cartographic iconography and sculptures emphasized specific trees, or native inhabitants of Brazil as forest cutlers, or scenes of brazilwood trade; the use of red colour was not always necessary to create a metaphor from a depiction. The author also formulates some hypotheses regarding the connections between these techniques and the Renaissance culture.
Novaya i Novejshaya Istoriya. 2023;(4):33-45
pages 33-45 views

Richard Hakluyt’s “Diverse Voyages” (1582) and England’s Search for the Northwest Passage

Dmitrieva O.


In this article the author focuses on the first English compendium of information about the Americas and voyages in the North Atlantic, published by Richard Hakluyt in 1582. Unlike his major work, “The Principall Navigations, Voiages and Discoveries of the English Nation”, Hakluyt's earlier publishing project received little attention in academic literature. His “Diverse Voyages” has been interpreted by modern scholars as part of a propaganda campaign in favour of the establishment of English colonial settlements in North America. However, an analysis of all the texts selected by Hakluyt, the way they are organised, the author's comments and references to sources, shows that at that stage his main interest was the quest for the Northwest Passage to China and India. This global political project was designed to generate commercial profit and strengthen England's position in competition with the leading maritime empires of the era, Spain and Portugal. By presenting to the world the totality of English achievements in the exploration of the northern hemisphere, Hakluyt's first publication was instrumental in promoting English maritime expansion and in shaping English national identity. At the same time, Hakluyt's compendium, the first English adaptation of this particular form of scientific literature, marked an important stage in the development of geographical knowledge of the world, particularly of the New World, and in the evolution of the compiler's own views on polar voyages across the Atlantic.
Novaya i Novejshaya Istoriya. 2023;(4):46-59
pages 46-59 views

The Origins of American Indians in the European Historical Thought of the Sixteenth Century

Krivushin I.


The aim of the article is to identify the main features of the approach of historical thought of the sixteenth century, first and foremost that of Spain, to the question of the origin of the indigenous peoples of the Americas. In general, this problem remains poorly studied in recent historiography (with the exception of the works of Lee Huddleston and Vladimir Acosta), although it is associated with one of the most important aspects of European understanding of the reality of the New World, not yet known to them, whether it be ethnic, spatial, historical. The main task of the author is to try to explain the fact that the study of the origin of the Indians, despite the abundance of various theories (Phoenician, Carthaginian, Hebrew, Ophirian, etc.), remained on the periphery of interest of European writers and thinkers throughout the sixteenth century. To answer this question, the author analyses the writings of some Renaissance writers (Fernando Colón, Cabello Balboa, José de Acosta, Gregorio García) who addressed this issue in order to identify the methods and ways of argumentation that they used in this case. The most popular of them, as shown in the article, were the analysis of the content of historical sources based on common sense, and the method of cultural and anthropological comparison of present inhabitants of the New World with ancient and modern peoples of the Old One. The article concludes that the European historical thought of the Renaissance eventually recognized its inability to answer the question of the origin of the Indians due to the extreme scarcity of historical data at its disposal and the irrelevance of the tools of historical analysis that it had.
Novaya i Novejshaya Istoriya. 2023;(4):60-71
pages 60-71 views

“Our World Has Just Discovered Another Worldˮ: How the Discovery of the New World Influenced the Historical Consciousness of the Sixteenth-Century French Humanists

Samotovinskij D.


The author examines the influence of the discovery of the New World on the historical consciousness of the French humanists of the sixteenth century. A study of the Latin treatises of Jean Fernel (1548), Jean Bodin (1566), the French works of Louis Le Roy (1567, 1575) and Michel de Montaigne (1580, 1588), allows one to challenge the idea established in historiography, according to which the discovery of the New World, the appreciation of new achievements, such as the compass, artillery, and printing, led humanists not only to recognise the superiority of their time over the antiquity, but also to the “idea of progress”. Indeed, French humanists, referring to modern geographical discoveries and unprecedented inventions, proclaimed the superiority of their era over antiquity in knowledge of the world, declared that their contemporaries had transcended antique experience, learned the whole of the globe and transformed the world into a single space of exchange and trade for the first time. Critical position of De Montaigne, who disputed the exhaustive nature of modern geographical discoveries and the innovative nature of a number of inventions, did not spread, because it did not meet the needs of humanists in high historical self-esteem. It was this need that often led intellectuals of the epoch to compare “our age” and antiquity and to be convinced of the superiority of modernity. However, the idea of the superiority of the modern era never developed into the “idea of progress” in the culture of French humanism. For humanists, this complex conception, according to which humanity moved successively towards a desirable image of the future, was both superfluous (in terms of satisfying the need for a high historical self-esteem) and inconsistent with their world view. The conditions for the birth of the idea of progress emerged only in the eighteenth century, within the culture of the Enlightenment. The humanists' understanding of history was based on the idea of cycles, the idea that human civilization, once established, would periodically reach its peak and then inevitably decline. This was borne out by all the historical experience available to humanists.
Novaya i Novejshaya Istoriya. 2023;(4):72-81
pages 72-81 views

The Geographical Discoveries in the East of Europe and Their Influence on the Self-Consciousness of the Renaissance Culture

Kudryavtsev O.


In this article the author examines the news of European cosmographers of the first quarter of the 16th century about the lands of Eastern Europe discovered at that time. In this article the author examines the news of European cosmographers of the first quarter of the sixteenth century about the lands of Eastern Europe discovered at that time. In the cosmographic work of the Polish author Mathias de Miechow, who relied on the observations of his predecessors – Julius Pomponius Laetus, Pius II, as well as Catalan, Genoese, Venetian cartographers of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries – a significant part of the data about the most important geographical objects in Eastern Europe, contained in the works of ancient scholars, was rejected or clarified. In the short time since the first publication of Mathias de Miechow's book, the view he expressed on the geography of Eastern Europe had become predominant, if not universally accepted. Its positive and even enthusiastic perception is to be found in the closely related works on Muscovy by European authors such as Albertus Campensis, Paolo Giovio, Ulrich von Gutten. In particular, these authors confirmed the non-existence of of the so-called Riphean and Hyperborean Mountains, the existence of which had been reported by the most eminent scholars of antiquity; they had also reinterpreted reports of their predecessors about the sources of the great rivers of this region, about peoples and tribes which inhabited it.However, as the author emphasises, these new data about geography and ethnography of Eastern Europe, obtained by humanists-cosmographers should be considered not only as a kind of manifestation of the general processes of global reappraisal of classical inheritance but as an important step in the development of Renaissance self-consciousness revealed in the affirmation of intellectual superiority of Modern epoch in comparison with Antiquity.
Novaya i Novejshaya Istoriya. 2023;(4):82-88
pages 82-88 views

Are They Fruits of Ancient or Modern Knowledge? Geographical Discoveries in the Commentary of Heinrich Salmuth to the Treatise of Guido Panciroli “Rerum Memorabilium” (1602)

Galkova D.


In the 1570s and 1580s, the Italian jurist Guido Panciroli (1523–1599) compiled a collection of brief notes on ancient and new inventions. In one of them, the author put forward the thesis that ancient thinkers knew nothing about the existence of the Americas. In an effort to prove the primacy of the Europeans in the discovery of the New World, Heinrich Salmuth, compiler of the commentary on Panchiroli's notes, made a number of arguments for and against this position. Thus in Panciroli's treatise “New Discoveries, or Two Books of Venerable Things”, first published in 1602, together with a commentary by Salmuth and initiated by the latter, the question of the possibility of discovering America before Columbus was raised. The purpose of this paper is to analyse grounds on which the time and essence of the discovery of the New World were perceived. To this end, the author examines the logic of the two authors' reasoning about European primacy and the differences in the justifications for this claim. On the basis of the research undertaken, it can be concluded that this work revisits not only the corpus of ancient worldviews, but also the exploratory, creative potential of Europeans to discover a new continent. In their work they try to find an explanation for the break with the preceding tradition and thus find themselves at the origins of the dispute over the significance of ancient knowledge for the new European science.
Novaya i Novejshaya Istoriya. 2023;(4):89-97
pages 89-97 views

20th century

Francoist Diplomacy in the United States During the Spanish Civil War 1936–1939: On the Question of the Status of the Francoist Representative to the United States Juan Francisco de Cardenas

Inviyaeva V.


Almost two months after the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, the leader of the insurgents Generalissimo Francisco Franco proclaimed himself the head of Spain on 1 October 1936 and immediately began to deal with its internal structure and with establishing ties with other countries to gain recognition by ideologically close states as Italy and Germany, but also by Western democracies, in particular the United States. To this end, Juan Francisco de Cardenas, an experienced diplomat, went to New York at the end of August 1936. In 1937–1938, he tried to get the government of Francisco Franco recognised and obtain the status of a Francoist agent in the USA. The fact that the United States did not recognise de Cárdenas de jure as Franco's agent in New York, did not name him consul and banned the official seal and the Francoist flag as an attribute of statehood on its territory, indicated that the US did not regard the Franco government as a legitimate one. The Americans maintained formal diplomatic relations with the leadership of Republican Spain until 1 April 1939, viewing it as the only legitimate Spanish government. Nevertheless, with the US State Department's knowledge, de Cardenas was in fact able to provide almost all consular services, which to a certain extent indicated the duality of US policy. In this article the author, for the first time in Russian scholarly literature, studied the materials of the Spanish General Archive of Administration (Alcala de Henares, Spain) where the incoming and outgoing correspondence of Juan Francisco de Cardenas and other Francoist politicians for 1936–1939 is stored.
Novaya i Novejshaya Istoriya. 2023;(4):98-108
pages 98-108 views

“The Idea of New Munich is in the Air”: Italian Documents on Preparations for an International Conference in Late August 1939

Mikhaylenko V.


In the summer of 1939, Hitler's Germany provoked an acute European crisis, the outcome of which had several options for resolution, including a peaceful one, along the lines of the Munich Agreement of 1938. Adolf Hitler, with his strategy of indirect action, played for higher stakes, took risks and often bluffed, leaving it to himself to exploit the option that was most favourable for him. Since 22 May 1939, Fascist Italy had been a military ally of Germany. Depending on the outcome of the Polish-German conflict, the Italian leadership planned a local “parallel” war in the Balkans and the Mediterranean in the event that the Western allies failed to counter German plans. The study proves that the British and French declarations of war on Germany were aimed at preventing Italian aggression in the area of direct geopolitical interest of the UK and France. The author analyses attempts made by Italian diplomacy to organise a “new Munich” and the reasons for their failure. The author analyses attempts made by Italian diplomacy to organise a “new Munich” and the reasons for their failure. He concludes that the Western allies succeeded in preventing the actualisation of the Italian-German military alliance. This was done under the threat of a all-out war and a crushing blow to Italy and its colonial possessions. In the context of the immediate politico-military situation at the time, the holding of a peace conference proved irrelevant to both the German leadership and the Western allies. Analyzing the four powers' negotiation process with regard to convening a peace conference, the author believes that prior to 17 September 1939, the USSR was hardly considered as an independent factor in the diplomatic and military game of the European powers. The author's conclusions are supported by data from Italian diplomatic and military documents, previously unknown in Russian historiography.
Novaya i Novejshaya Istoriya. 2023;(4):109-123
pages 109-123 views

Comparative Analysis of Agrarian Reforms in Soviet Occupation Zone of Germany and North Korea (1945–1946)

Francev A., Lebedev V.


The military administrations formed in the Soviet occupation zones in East Germany and North Korea were in similar conditions and faced similar challenges. One of the key issues of that time for both countries was land reform. The authors aim to analyse and compare the approaches of administrations in Central Europe and the Far East, to highlight common and special points in the planning of agrarian transformations. The study is based on a wide range of archival materials from the collections of the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Archive of Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation, the State Archive of the Russian Federation, as well as research papers in Russian, English, German and Korean. The source database also includes published documents of North Korean origin. Consideration of agricultural projects allows one to conclude that neither in East Germany nor in North Korea did the military administrations plan land reform as a step towards Sovietization of these territories. However, an important goal was to strengthen the social base of the Communists. The authors note that local specifics, as well as the domestic and foreign political situation in the region had a significant impact on the projects. This refutes the frequently expressed point of view in modern historiography, indicating that the USSR did not use the same template for projects in different regions.

Novaya i Novejshaya Istoriya. 2023;(4):124-137
pages 124-137 views

The February Crisis of 1948 in Czechoslovakia in the American Intelligence Materials

Yungblyud V., Zorin A.


In February 1948, an acute government crisis broke out in Prague, culminating in the transfer of power in Czechoslovakia to the Communist Party and the destruction of the democratic opposition. These events completed the consolidation of the Soviet sphere of influence in Europe and contributed to the formation of a US containment policy. The causes of the Czechoslovak crisis and the particularities of the Communist strategy became the subject of study by the American intelligence services. The purpose of the article is to examine the main issues that were the focus of their attention, to analyse the sources of information, to assess its completeness and the adequacy of their reports and conclusions. The study draws on an analysis of documents from the US National Archives. TThe author concludes that US intelligence did not foresee a rapid transition of power in Czechoslovakia to the Communists in early 1948. Their information about the causes and development of the crisis was based primarily on the testimonies of Czechoslovak political emigrants, which were mostly opinionated and subjective in nature. Much attention was paid to the influence and possible intervention of the USSR in the Czechoslovak crisis, the causes and preconditions for its development, the communists' strategy and tactics for seizing power, and the possibilities of preventing similar events in other countries. The American experts drew conclusions about the importance of controlling the main centres of power (police, secret services, trade unions and public organisations) and information resources to prevent similar events in other countries.
Novaya i Novejshaya Istoriya. 2023;(4):138-150
pages 138-150 views

The Evolution of Franco-German Relations in 1949–2022: From the German Problem to the Franco-German Tandem and the Idea of the “Power of Europe”

Chernega V.


After the Second World War, the most important priority of French foreign policy in Europe was the solution of the German problem, in other words, the prevention of the revival of Germany as a revanchist state. At the same time, French diplomacy, influenced by the “power complex”, sought to ensure the leading role of its country in the Western European part of the continent. Hence Paris's course, first towards anti-German alliances and then, following the proclamation of the Federal Republic of Germany in 1949, towards the formation of European defence structures with the participation of the FRG, to at least keep its possible rearmament under control. The accession of the Federal Republic of Germany into NATO in 1955 signalled the failure of this strategy. Charles de Gaulle, who came to power in 1958, tried to form a Franco-German alliance that would allow the creation of a “European Europe” independent of the United States. The failure of this policy, due to the pro-Atlantic stance of the Federal Republic, prompted his successors to take a more flexible position. On the one hand, the French created a tandem with their German partner in order to strengthen European integration, particularly in the field of defence (European Autonomous Defence); on the other hand, they strengthened France's relations with the USA and NATO. Yet the reunification of Germany on the basis of the constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany in 1990 exacerbated the already existing problem of power disparity in the Franco-German tandem in favour of Germany, which is slowly developing its own sovereign interests However, since his election in 2017, French President Emmanuel Macron, a staunch Europeanist, has been trying to use this tandem to promote the idea of a “European state” in the EU that can compete with the United States and China. However, the prospects for the implementation of this conception are very ambiguous.
Novaya i Novejshaya Istoriya. 2023;(4):151-166
pages 151-166 views

USSR Military Assistance to the Federal Government During the Nigerian Civil War (1967–1970)

Mazov S.


Drawing on newly available documents from the Foreign Policy Archive of the Russian Federation (AVP RF) the author closely examines Soviet-Nigerian military and technical cooperation during the Nigerian Civil War (1967–1970). He focuses on the following issues: the extent of Soviet assistance to the war efforts by the Federal Military Government (FMG) of Nigeria, how Soviet weapons were used in combat operations, what effect military aid had on Soviet-Nigerian relations. On 30th May 1967, the southeastern provinces of Nigeria attempted to secede as the self-proclaimed Republic of Biafra. This caused the Nigerian Civil War (1967–1970). The head of the FMG general Yakubu Gowon had to apply the USSR for military assistance. The USSR did not recognize the break-away region. The author argues that there were three Soviet-Nigerian arms deals in 1967–1969. The quantity of military hardware and small arms supplied to the FMG remains a guarded secret, and the author had to rely on the declassified CIA intelligence and other published sources. Soviet military personnel in Nigeria, mostly pilots and aviation specialists, strictly adhered to the rule: do not commit acts that might have involved the Soviet Union in the Nigerian conflict. During the war, Soviet-Nigerian relations rose from virtually zero to a fairly high level. However, military assistance did not turn Nigeria into a Soviet ally. Nigerian foreign policy did not change fundamentally, it was still dominated by the Western vector.
Novaya i Novejshaya Istoriya. 2023;(4):167-188
pages 167-188 views

Modern history

The Position of the Russian Federation Regarding the “Bulldozer Revolution” in Serbia in 2000

Naumov A., Demin D.


The authors examine the evolution of Russia's position regarding the “Bulldozer Revolution” in Serbia in 2000. The response of official Moscow to the 'colour revolutions' at the beginning of the twenty-first century is a blank spot in Russian scholarly discourse, and the issue is being analysed in Russian and international historiography for the first time. In the course of the study, the documents of the Archive of Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation, the Digital Library of B. Clinton (USA), the Federal Election Commission of Yugoslavia, statements by major Russian politicians and diplomats, materials from leading domestic and Western media, many of which are published for the first time in the academic literature. The authors come to the conclusion that the official reaction of the leadership of the Russian Federation to the crisis events of autumn 2000 in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was cautious and restrained, which excluded open support for one of the parties to the internal political confrontation. While the collective West openly advocated the removal of Slobodan Milošević from power, Russia sought to ensure that the president of the country was elected by the Yugoslav people legally, without foreign interference and internal unrest. That is why, during the elections and before the victory of the “Bulldozer Revolution”, Russian officials and diplomats did not speak out in favour of any candidate, but also did not succumb to the pressure of Western politicians who sought to use Moscow to put pressure on Milošević. Russia attempted to play the role of mediator between the authorities and the opposition, yet in the face of proactive action by Western countries to overthrow the ruling regime, this policy was doomed to failure.
Novaya i Novejshaya Istoriya. 2023;(4):189-202
pages 189-202 views

Between the System and the Opposition: The Evolution of the Electoral Portrait of the National Rally, 2017–2022

Zhidkova A.


The French electoral cycle that ended in 2022 proved that far-right leader Marine Le Pen has succeeded in establishing herself as the recognised standard-bearer of the French opposition. The success of the 2022 elections was another milestone in the successive electoral ascent of the Rassemblement Nationale: in the 2012 presidential election, Marine Le Pen obtained 17.9% of the vote, 21% in 2017, and in 2022 she received 23% in the first round and 41% in the second. This expansion of the electoral base was accompanied by a change in the party's electoral profile, as evidenced by the sociological research that was the main source for this article. First of all, the author demonstrates which social categories were responsible for the rise in Le Pen's popularity and how the party's rhetoric and, at times, policy positions were transformed in response to the mood of voters. She also analyses the correlation between the unstable socio-economic situation and the strengthening of the extreme right, suggesting the extent to which the vote for Le Pen is influenced not only by the financial and social status of the voter, but also by the anxiety triggered by worsening economic issues and the mainstreaming of immigration and security issues. Finally, an examination of the values of Le Pen's electorate allows one to look at the perspectives and constraints of the “Marinism” strategy in a broader context.
Novaya i Novejshaya Istoriya. 2023;(4):203-213
pages 203-213 views


The Luxury of Idleness and Everyday Work of Tutors (A.V. Chudinov. French Tutors in Russia. The History of a Family. Moscow, 2022)

Gladyshev A.


Novaya i Novejshaya Istoriya. 2023;(4):214-217
pages 214-217 views

Political Leadership in the Age of Social Networks: A New Collective Monograph of Russian Scholars in International Relations

Kalinin A.


Novaya i Novejshaya Istoriya. 2023;(4):218-222
pages 218-222 views

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