Historians in Russia: the structure of a professional community

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The author presents the results of a study of the structure of the professional community of Russian historians conducted jointly by the Scientific Electronic Library eLibrary and the Center for Institutional Analysis of Science and Education of the European University in St. Petersburg. In the course of its implementation, unique data on the social and intellectual landscape of Russian history, political science, sociology, economics and jurisprudence were collected, worthy of introduction into the academic circuit. Data were collected through a survey of researchers who publish the results of their studies (N-4009, where N is the number of cases), the survey was conducted in November 2022. In this article, the social structure of the Russian historical discipline appears in several senses. On the one hand, its aim is the simplest statistical description of the Russian historical community, namely sociodemographic structure, distribution by thematic areas, etc. On the other hand, the author explores correlations between all these elements, namely how different characteristics of individuals relate to each other. Historians are divided by specialisation in countries and periods (primarily by the division into those researching Russian and World History), as well as by modernist vs postmodernist views on the nature of historical knowledge. Postmodernist views are more widely represented among historians in academic centres (capital cities, leading universities); the opposite is true for the academic periphery. Support for modernism is also declining among younger generations.

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About the authors

M. M. Sokolov

European university at Saint-Petersburg

Author for correspondence.
Email: msokolov@eu.spb.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4102-7117
Scopus Author ID: 55378346000


Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg


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