Why Did the German Offensive on Kursk Not Take Place in May 1943? New Documents

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The Battle of Kursk went down in world military history as a key stage in the USSR’s struggle against Nazi Germany. However, the peculiarity of this large-scale event lies not only in this, but also in the unique period of its planning and preparation, which lasted three months, relative to other battles and major battles. During this period only one offensive operation, Operation Citadel, was being developed in Berlin, which was to form the core of the summer campaign. The author analyses documents preserved in the Federal Archives of the Federal Republic of Germany, which reveal the course of the meeting in Munich on May 4, 1943, where the potential of two Wehrmacht strike groups concentrated in the Kursk Bulge area at the end of April 1943 was discussed, successfully implementing the plan of encirclement of Soviet troops in early May 1943, and the opinions expressed by Hitlers, generals and field marshals who were privy to its essence, on this issue. The meeting went down in history as the most important event in the planning process of the 1943 Wehrmacht summer campaign on the Soviet-German front, as it resulted in Hitler making a number of important decisions that, according to some of its participants, significantly influenced its results.

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About the authors

Valery N. Zamulin

Southwestern State University

Author for correspondence.
Email: zamulin@yandex.ru

доктор исторических наук, ведущий научный сотрудник

Russian Federation, Kursk


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