Legitimation of Grand Duke Peter Fedorovich as Duke of Holstein-Gottorp in the Holy Roman Empire

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In the article, the author, drawing on unpublished materials from the Archive of Foreign Policy of the Russian Empire, examines three related subjects. The first subject concerns the recognition in 1745 of Grand Duke Peter Fedorovich as Duke of Holstein-Gottorp and as an adult a year ahead due to his conversion to Orthodoxy and fears that a change of religion could become an obstacle to taking possession of the duchy. The second subject concerns the negotiations to grant Holstein-Gottorp an individual vote (Virilstimme) in the College of Princes of the Imperial Diet of the Holy Roman Empire. The negotiations continued intermittently for almost two decades and were not successful due to conflicts between Holstein-Gottorp and the Electorate of Brunswick-Lüneburg, which was held by the King of Great Britain. The third subject is connected with the receipt of investiture for the possession of the Duchy, which Peter Fyodorovich in fact refused due to the reluctance on the part of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna to have the Tsesarevich's representatives participate in the traditional ceremony, which involved kneeling before the Emperor. However, the refusal did not prevent the Grand Duke from asserting his status in the Holy Roman Empire or compromise his right to hold the Duchy.

About the authors

Maria Aleksandrovna Petrova

Institute of World History, RAS

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5280-6725
Russian Federation, Moscow


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