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The issues of improving the accuracy of estimating the indenter motion parameters in the primary converter of a dynamic instrumented indentation device using two counter-connected coil windings (differential coil) are considered. The calculation of the characteristics of the primary converter is based on computer modeling and solving the problem of step-by-step conditional optimization of the relative dimensions of the striker magnet and coil. The results of a study of a primary converter with a differential coil (comparative estimates of the recorded signal — EMF and the dynamic modulus of elasticity of steel St.3) in relation to the existing primary sensor converter of the TPTS-7 device, which showed its advantage.

Sobre autores

O. Kolganov

ITMO University

Email: кolganoff2014@yandex.ru
St. Petersburg, Russia

K. Doronin

St. Petersburg Mining University of Empress Catherine II

Email: doronin.k.i@mail.ru
St. Petersburg, Russia

A. Golev


Email: artemgolev1999@gmail.com
St. Petersburg, Russia


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