Reconstructing reflector images at the boundary between base metal and deposited metal using Plane Wave Imaging technology




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The article suggests using Plane Wave Imaging (PWI) technology for ultrasonic inspection of welded joints with narrow cutting to detect cracks at the interface of the fusion of the base and deposited metal. In comparison with the digital image focusing (CFA) method, the proposed method allows you to restore images of reflectors with a higher signal-to-noise ratio, with greater speed, both recording echo signals and restoring the image of discontinuities according to different acoustic schemes, taking into account the transformation of the wave type when reflected from the edges of the object of control. Numerical and model experiments have confirmed the effectiveness of using PWI technology to increase the speed of zonal control. The application of the coherent factor increased the signal-to-noise ratio of the crack model images, both for the FMC mode and for the PWI mode.


E. Bazulin

Research and Production Center �ECHO+�



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