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Vol 53, No 2 (2019)


Calcium and Components of Lipid Signaling in Implementation of Hydrogen Sulfide Influence on the State of Stomata in Arabidopsis thaliana

Yastreb T.O., Kolupaev Y.E., Havva E.N., Shkliarevskyi M.A., Dmitriev A.P.


A time and concentration dependence of the hydrogen sulfide donor sodium hydrosulfide (NaHS) influence on the state of stomata of Arabidopsis thaliana (Col-0) leaves, as well as the role of calcium and phospholipases in the implementation of its effects, was studied. Treatment of leaves with NaHS in the concentration range of 5–250 μM caused a decrease in the size of the stomatal aperture. The maximal effect of the stomatal closure was observed 90 min after the beginning of the treatment with H2S donor, and the stomatal aperture in NaHS variants was, on the contrary, much wider than in the control after 180 min of exposure. The effect of treatment with NaHS solutions on the stomata state was completely eliminated by hydroxylamine, the hydrogen sulfide scavenger, which indicates the specificity of NaHS effects as an H2S donor. The decrease in stomatal aperture and relative number of open stomata caused by the donor of hydrogen sulfide was almost completely leveled off by the pretreatment of leaves with the calcium channel blocker lanthanum chloride, the extracellular calcium chelator EGTA, the phospholipase C inhibitor neomycin, and the antagonist of the formation of cyclic adenosine-5'-diphosphate ribose—nicotinamide. In addition, the stomatal effect of theH2S donor was partially eliminated by the calmodulin antagonist chlorpromazine. The leveling of the hydrogen sulfide donor action on the state of stomatal apparatus of Arabidopsis leaves was also noted at the pretreatment of leaves with butanol-1, an inhibitor of phospholipase D-dependent formation of phosphatidic acid. A conclusion about the importance of calcium intake into the cytosol from various compartments, as well as lipid signaling mediators formed with the involvement of phospholipases C and D, in the implementation of hydrogen sulfide action on the state of stomata was made.

Cytology and Genetics. 2019;53(2):99-105
pages 99-105 views

The Use of a Micronucleus Test in Pinus pallasiana D. Don and Picea abies (L.) Karst. for the Assessment of Technogenic Pollution’s Influence

Korshikov I.I., Belonozhko Y.A., Lapteva E.V.


Results of the study on the frequency of micronuclei (MN) in the meristem of Pinus pallasiana D. Don and Picea abies (L.) Karst. seedlings from natural populations and plantings of technogenically polluted territories are presented. The level of cells with MN was 0.95 ± 0.13% in the control P. pallasiana population. An increase in the level of cells with MN was observed under introduction- and technogenic-pollution conditions (2.41–3.38%). Similar results were shown for P. abies. The pathological cell contained a different amount of MN (from one to two for P. pallasiana and from one to six for P. abies). The size of MN varied from 0.13 to 14.93% of the diameter of the main nuclei in P. pallasiana cells and from 0.07 to 61.87% in P. abies cells. Multinucleated cells and cells with an irregular-shaped nucleus were observed. Correlation dependence between cytogenetic disorders and MN frequency (r = 0.98) was established. The use of MN of seedlings of studied species for the assessment of the genotoxicity of technogenically polluted areas was proposed.

Cytology and Genetics. 2019;53(2):106-112
pages 106-112 views

Development of Winter Wheat Starting Material Using Interspecific Crossing in Breeding for Increased Protein Content

Motsnyi I.I., Lytvynenko M.A., Molodchenkova O.O., Sokolov V.M., Fayt V.I., Sechniak V.Y.


The results of developing new bread winter wheat starting material using interspecific crosses in breeding for increased protein content are presented. The study comprised 35 initial (2–4 crosses with modern cultivars) and 20 advanced (five and more crosses with modern cultivars) introgression lines of bread winter wheat, and nine genotypes characterized by increased relative protein content and groups of lines that combine relatively high indices of thousand grain weight or protein content with resistance to leaf or stem rust and alien glume hairiness were isolated. The significant effect of lines grouping for the number of crossings with modern cultivars on the productivity, protein content, and the sedimentation value, and the effect of cross combinations, in particular, sources of alien traits, on protein content and thousand grain weight were found. It is shown that higher protein content, observed at the backcrossing, does not always correlate with the improvement of flour quality. The improved lines showed a low frequency of combining the traits of high protein content, large grain size with high productivity, and grain quality. No correlation of the most-studied traits with protein content and weak positive correlation (r = 0.28*…0.30*) of thousand grain weight with both the quality characteristics, sedimentation and protein content, were found. The line productivity had negative correlation with protein content (r = –0.43*) in only one variant of the experiment. The lines B241_09, E2792_14, E1598_12, and Od.267b were isolated, which had relatively higher protein content and combined moderate resistance to certain diseases with relatively high indices of the productivity and sedimentation. The isolated lines are characterized by instable productivity and other properties in different environments and require improved stability of these characteristics. Created on the basis of cv. Odeska 267, the quasi-isogenic lines with resistance to leaf rust (E2363_14, E2368_14, and E2369_14) had higher productivity, protein content, and thousand grain weight than recurrent cv. Odeska 267 on a low agricultural background. Using interspecific hybridization and further complicated step crosses with the elements of recurrent breeding, it was not possible to integrate high productivity in optimal environments with tolerance to hard conditions of drought into one genotype.

Cytology and Genetics. 2019;53(2):113-123
pages 113-123 views

The Effect of Platelet-Rich Plasma on Morphogenesis and Expression of Chondrogenic Marker Genes by Chondrocyte-Like Cells of the Rat Nucleus Pulposus in Vitro

Pedachenko E.G., Vasilyeva I.G., Khizniak M.V., Chopyck N.G., Oleksenko N.P., Shuba I.N., Tsjubko O.I., Galanta O.S., Snitsar N.D., Makarova T.A., Dmytrenko A.B.


The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of 3, 10, and 20% of platelet-rich rat plasma (PRP) on the morphological characteristics of chondrocyte-like cells of the rat nucleus pulposus (NP) and the expression of chondrogenic genes ACAN, COLII, GPC3, MGP, PTN, ANXA3, and VIM in vitro. A dose-dependent increase of NP cell viability was observed in cultures supplemented with 3, 10, and 20% PRP. Platelets showed tropicity to blast-like cells in culture and formed adhesion zones. Differentiation of blast-like cells was observed and dividing cells were identified on day 14 of cultivation with 20% PRP. PRP prevented the decrease of chondrogenic gene expression in a dose-dependent manner, with 20% PRP being the most efficient. Expression of the majority of chondrogenic genes studied was observed in these cultures: the expression of COLII increased 2.9 times (P = 0.002); that of VIM, 2.1 times (P = 0.0003); that of ANXA3, 2.3 times (P = 0.0003); that of GPC3, 1.4 times (P = 0.0011); that of PTN, 1.6 times (P = 0.0017); and that of ACAN, 1.2 times (P = 0.0606).

Cytology and Genetics. 2019;53(2):124-131
pages 124-131 views

CdS Quantum Dots Obtained by “Green” Synthesis: Comparative Analysis of Toxicity and Effects on the Proliferative and Adhesive Activity of Human Cells

Garmanchuk L.V., Borovaya M.N., Nehelia A.O., Inomistova M., Khranovska N.M., Tolstanova G.M., Blume Y.B., Yemets A.I.


A novel alternative approach for extracellular synthesis of CdS quantum dots using Escherichia coli bacteria, the fungus Pleurotus ostreatus, and the plant Linaria maroccana as biological matrices was previously developed. The nanoparticles obtained had stable luminescent properties and diameters of 2–10 nm. This paper presents the results of MTT assay- and flow cytometry-based analysis of cytotoxic/cytostatic effects, proliferative activity, and the ability of the CdS quantum dots synthesized to adhere to HeLa cells (human cervical cancer), malignized human T- and B-lymphocytes, and tumor cells of the AGS line (stomach cancer). The toxicity of the CdS quantum dots obtained by the “green” synthesis method was lower than that of inorganic cadmium sulfide, and this makes the quantum dots attractive candidates for a new type of nontoxic luminescent probes for bioimaging in cytological studies.

Cytology and Genetics. 2019;53(2):132-142
pages 132-142 views

The Role of HSP90 Chaperones in Stability and Plasticity of Ontogenesis of Plants under Normal and Stressful Conditions (Arabidopsis thaliana)

Kozeko L.Y.


The functions of HSP90 chaperones in the protein-folding system and regulation of specific substrates affecting multiple signal pathways and cellular processes were considered. The triple role of HSP90 in stress was described: binding damaged proteins and directing them for refolding or degradation, regulation of the heat-shock gene induction, and alteration in the gene expression program. Based on the results of studies of the model species Arabidopsis thaliana, the role of HSP90 in growth maintenance and morphogenesis stability, developmental plasticity, and mechanisms of stress tolerance in plants was shown. A model for the interaction of the HSP90 functions under normal and stressful conditions is presented.

Cytology and Genetics. 2019;53(2):143-161
pages 143-161 views

Expression Profiles of a Tung Tree Phosphate Transporter cDNA and Structural Characteristics of the Encoded Protein

Zhou J., Yuan J., Long H., Tan X.


Plant phosphate transporters mediate phosphate acquisition, translocation, and recycling. A Vernicia fordii cDNA encoding a phosphate transporter was cloned using a reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and rapid amplification of cDNA ends. The resulting cDNA named Vernicia fordii Phosphate Transporter-1;1 (VfPht1;1) encodes a predicted protein consisting of 533 amino acids. This protein, which was predicted to contain 12 transmembrane domains, is most similar (89.9%) to a Ricinus communis predicted protein. The quantitative real-time PCR data revealed that VfPht1;1 is most highly expressed in mature leaf petioles. It is also highly expressed in seeds collected in June, when developing fruits require a large amount of phosphates. Our observations suggest that VfPht1;1 may have diverse functions related to phosphate uptake and translocation.

Cytology and Genetics. 2019;53(2):162-168
pages 162-168 views

Molecular Characterization and Tissue Expression of Common Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) Cadmium Resistance Protein 2 and Metal Tolerance Protein 4 Genes

Kong C.S., Chen J.H., Liu J.H., Yu L.


The complete coding sequences of common tobacco cadmium resistance protein 2 and metal tolerance protein 4 genes were amplified by RT-PCR. The tobacco cadmium resistance protein 2 gene encodes a protein of 192 amino acids which shares high identity with the cadmium resistance protein 2 of four species—nicotiana tomentosiformis (99%), wood tobacco (97%), capsicum annuum (90%) and potato (86%). The tobacco metal tolerance protein 4 gene encodes a protein of 415 amino acids which shares high identity with the metal tolerance protein 4 of six species—nicotiana tomentosiformis (90%), wood tobacco (90%), lycopersicon esculentum (84%), potato (84%), lycopersicon pennellii (83%) and capsicum annuum (82%). Prediction of transmembrane helices showed that cadmium resistance protein 2 and metal tolerance protein 4 might be two transmembrane proteins. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the common tobacco cadmium resistance protein 2 and metal tolerance protein 4 genes both have a closer genetic relationship with the wood tobacco cadmium resistance protein 2 and metal tolerance protein 4 genes. Computer-assisted analysis showed that cadmium resistance protein 2 gene is structured in 4 exons and 3 introns and metal tolerance protein 4 gene consists of 7 exons and 6 introns. The gene expression profile analysis indicated that the common tobacco cadmium resistance protein 2 and metal tolerance protein 4 genes were highly expressed in root.

Cytology and Genetics. 2019;53(2):169-177
pages 169-177 views

New Base Number for the Chromosomally Abnormal Genus Arthraxon P. Beauv. from Rajasthan

Kaur N., Gupta R.C.


During present investigation, 4 populations covering 3 species of the genus Arthraxon P. Beauv. have been worked out cytologically from different localities of Indian hot desert, Rajasthan. Two of the three species show n = 14 (A. lanceolatus and A. lancifolius), whereas, A. hispidus show the chromosome count of n = 18. A. lanceolatus show varaiable sized bivalents i.e. two large and twelve small sized bivalents, whereas, A. lancifolius shows normal equal sized bivalents. These large sized bivalents previously might be confused with quadrivalents but during A–I it clearly indicates the chromosome count of 2n = 28. It (n = 14) is the first time reported chromosomal count for the species of the genus from the world with new proposed base number x = 7 and thus the species are considered to be tetraploid. All the three species are the first chromosome reports from Rajasthan with various meiotic abnormalities like laggards, multiple bridges, cytomixis, chromatin transfer which results in abnormal microsporogenesis and low pollen viability.

Cytology and Genetics. 2019;53(2):178-183
pages 178-183 views

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