
Investigation Planning and Bioequivalence evaluation of Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonists
Romodanovskii D., Goryachev D., Khokhlov A., Miroshnikov A.
Analysis of Factors Influencing the Interchangeability of Antiepileptic Drugs
Alyautdin R., Romanov B., Pasternak E., Bunyatyan N., Merkulov V.
Planning and Assessment of Bioequivalence Studies of Darunavir Preparations
Uvarova N., Eremenko N., Ramenskaya G., Goryachev D.
Bioequivalence of a Dosage form of the New Drug Mefebut
Smirnova L., Suchkov E., Ryabukha A., Kuznetsov K., Velikopol’skaya M., Tyurenkov I., Bakulin D., Stepanova É., Shevchenko A.
Comparison of Pharmacokinetics, Bioequivalence, and Safety of Femorix® (Valenta Pharm Company, Russia) and Aubagio® (Sanofi Winthrop Industrie, France) Film-Coated Tablets (14 mg)
Reikhart D., Arnautov V., Belostotskii A., Globenko A., Lopukhov I., Torshina E.
Determination of Cohort Size for Studies of Bioequivalence Using Computer Modeling
Arnautov V., Reikhart D., Borisov A.
Planning Bioequivalence Studies of Drugs with Narrow Therapeutic Indices
Romodanovskii D., Goryachev D., Olefir Y., Bunyatyan N.
Rapid HPLC-MS/MS Determination of Carbamazepine and Carbamazepine-10,11-Epoxide
Rodina T., Mel’nikov E., Sokolov A., Prokof’ev A., Arkhipov V., Aksenov A., Pozdnyakov D.
Determination of Cycloserine in Blood Plasma by HPLC/MS: Application to Bioequivalence Studies
Stepanova E., Ovcharov M., Barsegyan S., Chistyakov V.
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