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编号 8 (2023)



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Problems of globalization

Global Fragmentation Phenomenon: New Imperatives of the Transcontinental Cooperation for Eurasia and Latin America

Plachinda L.


The article analyzes current state of the global economy and the emerging phenomenon of global fragmentation amid the formation of new regional centers of economic growth. Particular attention is paid to the intercontinental cooperation of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) with Eurasia, primarily with the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). The influence of the Western countries’ sanctions on the development of integration processes in the EAEU and Latin America is studied, whereas potential areas for increasing cooperation axis EAEU-Latin America are highlighted.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(8):6-26
pages 6-26 views

International relations

Current cooperation of Latin American and Caribbean countries with International Monetary Fund

Zakhartsova A.


The article looks upon the key issues of cooperation between Latin American and Caribbean countries and International Monetary Fund from 2018 to present days. The author examines the large loans that IMF has given to the LAC countries as well as the facilities of “precautionary” assistance and urgent financing. The article also considers the link between the interaction of the LAC countries with the IMF and the nature of their relations with the United States - the holder of the largest quota in the organization. After studying the lending conditions and trends of macroeconomic performance of the borrowing countries the author concludes that in case of LAC cooperation with the IMF hardly contributes to resolve crises, however, might serve as support for the already well-established measures.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(8):27-44
pages 27-44 views

History pages

Was there an “August Mistake”? How to assess the role of the Communist Party of Cuba and the Comintern in the anti-Machado revolution of 1933

Jeifets V., Jeifets L.


The article examines the little–studied nature of relations between the III International, its Caribbean Bureau and the Communist Party of Cuba in connection with the so-called "August mistake" - the attitude taken by the Cuban section of the Comintern during the anti-Machado revolution of 1933. The role of the informal leader of the party Ruben Martinez Villena is analyzed and the evolution of assessments of his activities during this period by the international Communist Party is shown. While originally as the Comintern emissaries as also the structures of the Executive Committee of the Comintern condemned sharply Martinez Villena’s activities during the overthrow of the dictatorship of G.Machado, finally this attitude was shifting and Moscow was ready to come to terms with him on condition of admitting a “mistake”. Later, as the authors showed, Moscow partially (but not publicly) came to conclusion that it was wrong to bet on the seizure of power in Cuba by the forces of exclusively communists and their affiliated structures. This recognition was part of the Comintern's “historic turn” to the policy of the Popular Front, which in Cuba meant the transition of the Communist Party to a broad alliance. This alliance laid the foundations for the subsequent expansion of communist influence.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(8):45-66
pages 45-66 views

Yucatan state’s military financing during the Caste War in 1847–1851

Kosichenko I.


The article addresses to the question of financing of the military in early national Latin America based on the case of challenges that the government of the State of Yucatan faced in the first years of the Caste War –one of the biggest and longest ethnic and social conflicts in the 19th century Latin America– and measures that society, that was hung between tradition and modernity, was forced to adopt.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(8):67-82
pages 67-82 views

Media coverage of the cholera epidemic of 1850 in Havana in the Spanish Cuba government periodicals

Balkova E.


The article analyzes the narrative created in the government periodical, Gaceta de la Habana, during the cholera epidemic of 1850 in Havana; in the course of this article three main subjects were considered – the dynamics of media coverage, steps against the cholera epidemic and actions of help to the lower class.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(8):83-92
pages 83-92 views


Latin America at the Neva coast

Herrera A.


The article contains a brief description of an art exhibition dedicated to Latin America, which took place in St. Petersburg in May 2023. The material includes also two interviews with painters (Nina Diakova and Paulina Hernandez), whose works were exhibited during this event.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(8):93-100
pages 93-100 views

Scientific life

Latin America: young researchers’ vision on regional issues

Kudeyarova N.


The paper provides a short overview of the topics considered on the conference that took place at the Institute of Latin America of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The young researchers discussed a wide range of issues related to the Latin American problematic such as bilateral and multilateral interaction, the role of China on the regional arena, actual problems of economic and social development of the states, as well as questions of political culture and historical legacy in the modern societies.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(8):101-104
pages 101-104 views

Where is Spain going today?

Kurakina-Damir A.


The spring of 2023 in Spain turned out to be hot not only in terms of weather conditions, but also in terms of the intensity of political passions. The May elections for most of the parliaments of the autonomous regions and municipalities were supposed to be the starting point for a large campaign to prepare for the nationwide elections scheduled for the end of the year. Their outcome was difficult to predict. On the one hand, most opinion polls predicted the coming to power of the centre-right People's Party. On the other hand, Pedro Sanchez, leader of the senior partner of the ruling coalition of the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE), has repeatedly demonstrated the ability to regain lost ground. The triumphant victory of the PP in the regional elections forced P. Sanchez to change his plans. He dissolved parliament and called a national election for 23 July. Is such a decision justified, and has the coalition government achieved the goals that it set at the beginning of 2020, when no one thought about the pandemic or the upcoming large-scale restructuring of the global security system? These issues were at the center of the discussion on April, 25 at the situational analysis “Preliminary results of the legislature of the coalition government of Spain”, organized by the Center for Iberian Studies of the ILA RAS.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(8):105-110
pages 105-110 views