Spain and China: from mistrust to strategic partnership. Political dimension




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The article, based on Spanish and Chinese sources, deals with the evolution of relations between Spain and China over 50 years of diplomatic relations. Particular attention is paid to studying the main areas of cooperation between the two countries at the present stage. The expert discourse of Spain and China is examined. The authors identify key points of contact within the framework of cooperation in the field of political relations, on the basis of which they concluded that there is significant potential for its development. At the same time, some factors are demonstrated that make it difficult to align the interests of China and Spain and deepen ties between the countries.


O. Volosyuk

Higher School of Economics

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3115-6978
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Moscow, Russia

I. Kozylov

Higher School of Economics

ORCID iD: 0009-0007-4513-2110
Lecturer Moscow, Russia


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