State policy and the level of food security in Brazil. From successful eradication of hunger to a food crisis




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The purpose of the article was to assess the state of food security of the Brazilian population in the 21st century, reflecting the effectiveness of public policy in this area. Since the early 2000s, this problem has been a priority for the Brazilian authorities, who managed to eradicate hunger by 2014. After the political changes and the departure from power of the Workers' Party (Partido dos Trabalhadores, PT), the agri-food policy was gradually weakened, and the budget of the national food and nutrition system was restructured and reduced. Combined with the effects of the pandemic and the economic crisis, the new deal has demonstrated its ineffectiveness, which has led to an increase in the number of citizens who are food insecure, including the hungry. Regional, gender and racial inequalities in access to food are increasing in the country, and the most vulnerable groups are families with children, low—income and living in rural areas.


Alexandra Potapova


ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6071-9787
Candidate of geographic sciences, researcher, Center of Agro-food policy Vernadsky pr-t., 84, 119571 Moscow, Russian Federation


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