Artificial intelligence technologies and the rise of cyber threats in Latin America




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Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies have been a real revolution and breakthrough in the world of virtual communication for modern society. Latin American countries are just beginning to adopt this type of technology to achieve the smart government paradigm and accelerate the pace of building a digital economy. A number of countries in the Latin American region are investing in strategies to develop AI technologies, focusing on improving economic development, with significant efforts to create a broader cooperation network at the regional level. The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) also has been striving for several years to harness the huge potential of AI, including the digital transformation of the public sector.

The global concept of cybersecurity becomes particularly relevant due to the increasing use of cyberspace as a virtual environment for political, economic, social and cultural interaction. To date, cybersecurity has become an important issue for national strategies of Latin American countries due to the increasing incidence of malicious use of AI in the political and economic life of the region.

The purpose of this study is to demonstrate main dimensions of national strategies for the implementation of AI in the public sector in Latin America and to identify the main cyber tools aimed at undermining national security and putting political actors out of work.




Ekaterina Vinogradova

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8055-6612

Independent researcher

Candidate of Political Sciences (PhD)
Associate Professor
俄罗斯联邦, Moscow


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