The horror genre in the world art. Iberian and Western folklore motifs




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Modern cinema, including horror films, in search of artistic and commercial success, is persistently looking for successful projects, where the right path is certainly the right choice of characters and plots. The article deals with horror in game cinema, based on the motives of folklore and post-folklore. As an example, the use of images of monsters from the Iberian ethno-folklore, as well as other similar characters in other cultures, is analyzed. The advantage of such scenarios is their originality. Films based on them are guided by traditions, the artistic images of which develop organically in the collective memory of ethnic groups. In addition, invariants are formed that differ in a greater variety than those generated by the imagination of individual cinematographers. Such a direction of horror development is a possible way to overcome cliches in horror films as an essential direction of modern Western cinema.





Valentina Baglay

Kuban State University

俄罗斯联邦, Krasnodar


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