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Nº 6 (2023)


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Megatrends of Latin America's development and Russia's economic interests

Yakovlev P.


Against the background of the main global transformations and from the point of view of Russia's interests, the article analyzes the main trends (megatrends) characterizing the state and prospects for the development of Latin American countries. The author shows the configuration of the modern regional economic order, fixes the main landmarks, problematic topics and systemic intrigues of the current strategy of economic growth. The study focuses on new phenomena that determine the vector of transformations of key sectors of the Latin American economy - industry, finance, energy, mining, agriculture. It is shown that the focus of efforts of the state and the business community is shifting towards the priority development of those sectors whose products are especially in demand in regional and world markets. In each case, the possibilities of participation of Russian companies in the process of regional modernization are identified, as well as the difficulties and barriers faced by domestic business in the acute competition for Latin American markets. Special attention is paid to the attempts of overcoming regional political delimitation and updating the mechanisms and formats of intra-Latin American trade and economic cooperation. It is proved that there is no alternative to a new unifying economic strategy of the countries of the region, which imperatively includes a reboot of the stalled integration processes. The result of the analysis is that the consolidation of the trend of changes in the Latin American economy requires from the Russian state and business in many respects innovative and comprehensively calculated foreign economic decisions that take into account the new realities of Latin America and meet the long-term national interests of Russia.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(6):6-22
pages 6-22 views

Turkey — Latin America

Turkey’s “soft power” policy in Latin American countries

Gainutdinova L., Avcu H.


When the Justice and Development Party came to power in 2002, deep transformation processes began in Turkey’s foreign policy, turning the country not only into a regional but also a global leader. To expand the sphere of geopolitical interests and build long-term bilateral relations with Latin American countries, the Turkish government has developed a new foreign policy strategy based on the concept of “soft power”. This article analyzes the features of the Turkish "soft power" policy in Latin America, its goals and priorities, as well as implementation tools.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(6):23-39
pages 23-39 views

Features of bilateral relations between Turkey and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in the context of role theory

Gelen S.


As a result of the transformation of the international system in the 21st century, the role of Latin America is becoming increasingly important and interest in it is growing. Before the beginning of the 21st century relations of Turkey with the states of Latin America and the Caribbean were limited, but in the last two decades they have gained strategic importance. Venezuela is one of the countries that Turkey identifies as strategically important from the economical and political points of view. In this article, bilateral contacts between the two states have been examined through the lens of the "role theory", taking into account the overall role played by Turkey in Latin America and, in part, the role of Venezuela in the Middle East.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(6):40-58
pages 40-58 views

International relations

The positive peace in the Southern Cone: origins and heyday of regional security cooperation (1991—2008)

Levadgi A.


The basis of the positive zone of peace in the Southern Cone lies both on the expectation of the non-existence of interstate violence, and the construction of a loose regional institutionalization based on a democratic identity, the development of economic integration and regional security cooperation that projects stability beyond the Southern Cone. Despite economic tensions, political differences and international agendas with different orientations, the peaceful regional environment of the southern tip of the American continent and security and defense cooperation flourished during the first two decades of the post-Cold War era. This article presents the trajectory from the end of the Cold War to the establishment of UNASUR of regional security cooperation in the Southern Cone focusing on two dyads, the bilateral relations of the Argentine Republic with both the Federative Republic of Brazil and the Republic of Chile.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(6):59-72
pages 59-72 views

History pages

Relations of Yugoslavia with the countries of Latin America in the 1960-1980’s

Katkova E., Kostiuk R.


Based on published sources and relevant literature, the article examines the relations of socialist Yugoslavia with the countries of Latin America in the period of 1960-1980’s. The main part of the article is preceded by a short review of Yugoslavia’s contacts with Latin America in the first post-war years. The authors analyze the features of the political, economic, cultural and educational interaction between Yugoslavia and the countries of the region. Particular attention is paid to the role of the Non-Aligned Movement and Tito’s understanding of Yugoslav foreign policy in the matter of building equal, constructive and mutually beneficial relations between Belgrade and the states of the South American continent.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(6):73-89
pages 73-89 views

Conflicts between the Catholic Church and Salazar's “New State” 1958—1968

Filatov G.


In the 1960s relations between the Salazar regime and the Catholic church became increasingly tense. The article examines the reasons for this process according to the documents from the National Archives of Torre do Tombo. The paper analyses a series of conflicts between the prelates and the Portuguese state in the years 1958–1968. Despite some common patterns, the disagreements were caused by different circumstances. Some incidents were determined by the general growth of dissatisfaction with the Salazar regime, others were caused by the colonial war, and others were associated with the decisions of the Second Vatican Council. The most dangerous for the regime seemed to be the contradictions caused by changes in the church itself that occurred in the middle of the decade, since in this case the problems acquired a systemic character.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(6):90-102
pages 90-102 views

Thinking about read

Latin America: palette of modern models of regional development

Selivanova J.


The publication introduces readers to a new collective study prepared by the Institute of Latin America of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The review notes that the publication is a fundamental multifaceted study of political processes and the results of recent electoral cycles. The paper shows the current alignment of political forces in various countries of the region, the evolution of political regimes against the backdrop of mass social protests and the COVID-19 pandemic. The authors examine the typology of political regimes in the context of the specifics of Latin America.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(6):103-110
pages 103-110 views

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