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Nº 5 (2023)


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The profile of Nicaragua’s economic elite. The limits of political influence during the presidency of D. Ortega

Rykhtik M., Usachev S.


The article studies the dynamics of Nicaragua’s economic elite which helps to define it and assess its ability to influence political process of the country. The analysis of the evolution of Nicaraguan big business reveals its high adaptability to ever-changing social conditions. As a result, the reaction of economic elite to the Sandinista revolution demonstrates its strategy and tactics concerning restructuring of the assets. The authors pay special attention to the Supreme Council of Private Enterprise (Consejo Superior de la Empresa Privada, COSEP) which serves as a main representative of collective interests of the Nicaraguan capital. The article examines the relationship between the left-wing radical partisan Sandinista National Liberation Front (Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional, FSLN) and national elite as well. It has transformed from hostile confrontation at the end of 20th century to a tactical alliance in the 2010s. The article concludes with an analysis of existing tensions between Sandinistas and big business as well as the prospects for the transition of power in Nicaragua.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(5):6-19
pages 6-19 views

Brazil. Regional political evolution in the beginning of the XXI century

Kozlova A.


“Where Brazil goes, all of Latin America goes.” This expression by American President Richard Nixon has been repeatedly confirmed in history. In the middle of the second decade of the current century in Latin America, the left turn began to be replaced by the “right”. Brazil’s foreign policy has also undergone changes caused by the reconfiguration of domestic politics: after 16 years of the Workers’ Party (Partido dos Trabalhadores, PT), as well as building a system of South American regional integration, forming a new identity of the country, conducting an active foreign policy in a multilateralism paradigm, a cautious approach to relations with the United States, Brazil sharply changed course. The article examines the evolution of the country’s foreign policy towards the Latin American region in the XXI century, while focusing on the analysis of changes in Brazil’s foreign policy vector in the context of regional cooperation and integration formats. Particular attention is paid to examining the position of Brazil in terms of regional leadership. The formation and change of the conceptual positioning of Brazil, the construction of the idea of “South America” and its role in regional integration are also discussed.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(5):20-34
pages 20-34 views

The society of 21st century

The malicious use of political deepfakes and attempts to neutralize them in Latin America

Vinogradova E.


Deepfake technology has revolutionized the field of artificial intelligence and communication processes, creating a real threat of misinformation of target audiences on digital platforms. The malicious use of political deepfakes has become widespread between 2017 and 2023. The political leaders of Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Mexico were attacked with elements of doxing. Fake videos that used the politicians' faces undermined their reputations, diminishing the trust of the electorate, and became an advanced tool for manipulating public opinion. A series of political deepfakes has raised an issue for the countries of the Latin American region to develop timely legal regulation of this threat. The purpose of this study is to identify the threats from the uncontrolled use of political deepfake in Latin America. According to this purpose, the author solves the following tasks: analyzes political deepfakes; identifies the main threats from the use of deepfake technology; examines the legislative features of their use in Latin America. The article describes the main detectors and programs for detecting malicious deepfakes, as well as introduces a scientific definition of political deepfake.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(5):35-48
pages 35-48 views

History pages

Marine expeditions to Alta California in the context of great powers rivalry in the first half of the XIX-th century

Petrov A., Ermolaev A.


The article is devoted to the features of the establishment of European powers in Alta California in the first quarter of the 19th century. The available information about Russian penetration into California and interaction with the Spaniards and US citizens is summarized. This process involved government authorities and private commercial companies. The authors use documents obtained from domestic and foreign archives. The article is written on the basis of an interdisciplinary approach and is conceived as a series of further publications by the authors.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(5):49-65
pages 49-65 views

Argentina in the foreign policy of the USSR in the context of the left movement (1945–1991)

Andreev A.


At the beginning of the XXI century Argentina remains one of Moscow's main partners in Latin America. At the same time, the tools, problems, and context of modern bilateral cooperation were formed during the post-war period. This article examines the place and role of Argentina in the foreign policy of the USSR in the era of the Cold War. Based on state documents, the press, foreign policy documents, the article shows how the links between the left movement of Argentina and the USSR influenced the development of bilateral relations. Considering the history of relations, the author shows the factors that influenced their formation. The article shows the features of Argentina in the context of the Latin American vector of the foreign policy of the USSR in the second half of the 20th century, with special attention paid to the relationship between economic and political contacts between the two countries. The study shows that the peculiarities of the political regime in Argentina and the assessments of the Argentine policy made by the Soviet side did not have a direct impact on the volume of trade between the countries; the political, economic and ideological contacts between the USSR and Argentina developed in parallel directions and did not have a direct connection with each other.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(5):66-81
pages 66-81 views


Comprehending Tarkovsky: the philosophy of creativity of Carlos Reigadas

Rostotskaya L.


The subject of the article was to identify some similarities between the creative concepts of two filmmakers: our great compatriot Andrey Tarkovsky and contemporary director Carlos Reygadas. Their comparison, as well as the culturological analysis of Reygadas’ films, allows us to conclude that there is a conceptual closeness that largely determines the philosophy of the work of both masters, based not on the principle of recreating reality, but on the desire to create their own artistic word.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(5):82-91
pages 82-91 views

Scientific life

Researchers' professional perspective on Latin America

Tayar V.


A review of the annual meeting of the Association for Ibero-American Studies. It contains the summary of political and economic development of the region in 2022 - 2023. Also took place the presentation of book publications. Reports of colleagues from regional centers of the Association were heard.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(5):92-100
pages 92-100 views

The School of Iberoamerican studies at the costs of Neva river

Stadnik V.


The authors review the main events of the First Spring School of Iberoamerican studies held in Saint-Petersburg on March 24-24 of 2023.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(5):101-103
pages 101-103 views

Thinking about read

Brazil and Antarctica: a long way to meet each other

Goliney V.


The review examines a Latin American researcher monograph devoted to the problems of Brazil’s Antarctic policy. As the review demonstrates, in terms of the current moment, this study includes in as much detail as possible a comprehensive examination of the polar interests of the South American “tropical giant”, as well as an extensive archival sources database on this topic. The author gives some forecasts of possible ways of de-velopment of the Brazilian Antarctic policy.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(5):104-110
pages 104-110 views

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