Argentina in the foreign policy of the USSR in the context of the left movement (1945–1991)



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At the beginning of the XXI century Argentina remains one of Moscow's main partners in Latin America. At the same time, the tools, problems, and context of modern bilateral cooperation were formed during the post-war period. This article examines the place and role of Argentina in the foreign policy of the USSR in the era of the Cold War. Based on state documents, the press, foreign policy documents, the article shows how the links between the left movement of Argentina and the USSR influenced the development of bilateral relations. Considering the history of relations, the author shows the factors that influenced their formation. The article shows the features of Argentina in the context of the Latin American vector of the foreign policy of the USSR in the second half of the 20th century, with special attention paid to the relationship between economic and political contacts between the two countries. The study shows that the peculiarities of the political regime in Argentina and the assessments of the Argentine policy made by the Soviet side did not have a direct impact on the volume of trade between the countries; the political, economic and ideological contacts between the USSR and Argentina developed in parallel directions and did not have a direct connection with each other.

Sobre autores

Anton Andreev

Saint Petersburg State University

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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