The "New Left" in Chile in the face of existential challenges



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The article examines the ideological principles of the Chilean "New Left" and the political practice of the government of G. Borich during his first year in power, the process of developing key reforms, fulfilling pre-election promises to form a socially-oriented development model, completing work on the draft of a new constitution. Interaction with the centrist and left-wing radical line in the national political space played an important role. The difficult path of finding answers to the existential challenges of real politics has led to a significant transformation of the president's tactics, a revision of a number of priorities, a gravitation to the positions of centrism and the format of the "compromise model". The changes resulted in increased disagreements within the ruling coalition, a large radicalization of supporters of an irreconcilable ideological position, which can significantly complicate the further work of the government.

Sobre autores

Ludmila Diakova

Institute for Latin American Studies, RAS

Russian Federation, Moscow


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