Franchising in Argentina: economy saving after the crisis



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The Latin American market is currently of great interest for the development of international business and international franchising in particular, both from foreign investors and among national companies developing their international business. Argentina has an ambiguous position in the global business arena. Being the third economy in the region, it occupies a very scattered economic position on the world stage, which brings its own nuances to the development of the economy. The article considers the period of time mainly after 2014-2015, when the country experienced a serious economic recession. A modern view of the development of franchising in the country is presented and the prospects for its development are outlined. The article focuses on the analysis of the development of franchising in Argentina from an economic point of view, provides statistical and graphical data on the state of development of this type of business in the country. In addition, the key points associated with the economic crisis of the 2000s and the Covid pandemic, which may hinder the development of franchising in the Argentina’s market, are identified, as well as the key trends in the development of franchising in Argentina in the coming years.

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Sobre autores

Marina Berdina

Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation


associate proffesor
Rússia, Saint Petersburg

Aleksandr Berdin

Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation

Autor responsável pela correspondência

senior lecturer of Department of Economics of High-Tech Industries
Rússia, Saint Petersburg


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Arquivos suplementares

Arquivos suplementares
2. Fig. 1. Dynamics of GDP growth in Argentina during the pandemic

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3. Fig. 2. Contribution of country networks to the expansion of franchising in the world (in billion dollars, 2021)

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4. Fig. 3. Number of franchised brands in the world by country (2021)

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5. Fig. 4. The share of franchising in the total GDP of the countries of the world

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6. Fig. 5. The format of the work of franchising networks in Argentina during the pandemic

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