Megatrends of Latin America's development and Russia's economic interests


Дәйексөз келтіру

Толық мәтін


Against the background of the main global transformations and from the point of view of Russia's interests, the article analyzes the main trends (megatrends) characterizing the state and prospects for the development of Latin American countries. The author shows the configuration of the modern regional economic order, fixes the main landmarks, problematic topics and systemic intrigues of the current strategy of economic growth. The study focuses on new phenomena that determine the vector of transformations of key sectors of the Latin American economy - industry, finance, energy, mining, agriculture. It is shown that the focus of efforts of the state and the business community is shifting towards the priority development of those sectors whose products are especially in demand in regional and world markets. In each case, the possibilities of participation of Russian companies in the process of regional modernization are identified, as well as the difficulties and barriers faced by domestic business in the acute competition for Latin American markets. Special attention is paid to the attempts of overcoming regional political delimitation and updating the mechanisms and formats of intra-Latin American trade and economic cooperation. It is proved that there is no alternative to a new unifying economic strategy of the countries of the region, which imperatively includes a reboot of the stalled integration processes. The result of the analysis is that the consolidation of the trend of changes in the Latin American economy requires from the Russian state and business in many respects innovative and comprehensively calculated foreign economic decisions that take into account the new realities of Latin America and meet the long-term national interests of Russia.

Авторлар туралы

Petr Yakovlev

Institute of Scientific Information for the Social Sciences, RAS

Russian Federation, Moscow

Әдебиет тізімі

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© Russian Academy of Sciences, 2023

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