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No 1 (2023)

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Social policy in the programs of the political parties of Chile: the experience of content analysis

Smal S.V.


The presidential, parliamentary and regional elections were held at the same time, on November 21, 2021 in Chile. Earlier in the same period, elections were held throughout the Latin American region. Extreme political fragmentation was recorded during these elections. Also, a feature of electronic processes can be called socio-political instability and the associated high degree of protest potential of citizens. The article attempts to conduct a comparative analysis of the text of the programs of the political parties of Chile. The key areas of the studied documents were identified, while the political, economic, and social components were substantiated. The content analysis of the texts of the programs of the political parties of Chile was carried out, the share of content units analyzed by spheres was revealed. The conclusions about the increasing importance of the topics of social policy, social protection and social security in the era of a new, pandemic, world order were verified. Visualization and statistical analysis of the results were made using the SigmaPlot program, version 12.5.

The author's conclusions about the importance of the social sphere are also confirmed by electoral practice. An extremely interesting election took place in Chile, dividing the electoral field almost in half on ideological grounds. At the same time, all participants in the electoral process used the “social theme”. Reconciliation and the development of a national consensus will be the task of the young (at the time of the election, only 35 years old) President Gabriel Boric, he successfully integrated accents of left-liberal and social orientation in his election program. Recent events in Chile add relevance to the study: a referendum on the adoption of a new, socially oriented constitution of the country is scheduled for September 4, 2022. Also, another wave of protests, also recorded in September 2022, is directly related to such a social segment as education.

Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(1):39-55
pages 39-55 views


The role of the inclusiveness concept in the development strategies of the BRICS countries

Vasilyeva N.A., Bakhturidze Z.Z.


The concepts of human capital and inclusiveness, formed during the global socio-economic transformations in the 21st century, are based on the principle of importance of human resources for building a modern digital society. This article reveals the specifics of application of the inclusiveness concept by the BRICS countries for the formation of a development strategy for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals until 2030. In the first part of the article the conceptual features of the inclusiveness index are revealed. Then the authors explore the BRICS strategic plans for building an inclusive society within the political discourse on the transformation of the world order. The authors come to the conclusion that the active introduction of the inclusiveness index into world practice proves that the use of colossal reserves of human capital in the countries of the "World Majority" (to which the famous Russian political scientist F. Lukyanov refers the countries of the Big East), will radically change the global world order, leaving in the past the hegemony of the West, which is turning into a "World Minority".

Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(1):6-20
pages 6-20 views

Franchising in Argentina: economy saving after the crisis

Berdina M.Y., Berdin A.E.


The Latin American market is currently of great interest for the development of international business and international franchising in particular, both from foreign investors and among national companies developing their international business. Argentina has an ambiguous position in the global business arena. Being the third economy in the region, it occupies a very scattered economic position on the world stage, which brings its own nuances to the development of the economy. The article considers the period of time mainly after 2014-2015, when the country experienced a serious economic recession. A modern view of the development of franchising in the country is presented and the prospects for its development are outlined. The article focuses on the analysis of the development of franchising in Argentina from an economic point of view, provides statistical and graphical data on the state of development of this type of business in the country. In addition, the key points associated with the economic crisis of the 2000s and the Covid pandemic, which may hinder the development of franchising in the Argentina’s market, are identified, as well as the key trends in the development of franchising in Argentina in the coming years.

Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(1):21-38
pages 21-38 views

International ties

Scientific and educational cooperation between Brazil and the European Union

Olkhovskaya V.S.


The article characterizes the scientific and educational cooperation between Brazil and the EU on the example of specific programs, discusses recent changes in the European policy of internationalization of science and education, as well as problems that limit the possibilities of cooperation with Brazil due to the insufficiently high level of development of science and education in this country. International cooperation in this area can play an important role in Brazil's national and regional development. The problems that exist in the scientific and educational policy of Brazil and the possibilities of their solution through cooperation with the EU are analyzed. The author comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to adopt a new program document for Brazil and the EU on the development, implementation and financing of joint scientific and educational projects in the near future.

Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(1):56-69
pages 56-69 views

Brazil’s cultural diplomacy: origins and modernity

Timofeeva Y.A.


The article deals with the evolution of Brazil’s cultural diplomacy from the Empire till the present day. Special attention is paid to figures who contributed a lot to its development, namely the Emperor Pedro II, foreign minister Rio Branco, education minister Gustavo Capanema. The author divides cultural diplomacy evolution into several periods and concludes that it reached its heights under Lula da Silva in early XXI century. The president increased government role in financing cultural sphere and implemented various cultural programmes partly borrowed by neighbouring and some European states. After right-wing politicians came to power, cultural diplomacy has been suffering crisis, which manifested in the dissolution of Cultural Ministry, less investment in culture and return to some elements of elitist culture of the First Republic.

Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(1):70-84
pages 70-84 views

History pages

The Russian revolution and its reception by the left-wing Peruvian intellectuals

Vinokurov V.A.


The October revolution of 1917 in Russia resonated all over the world. The article analyzes the problem of the reception of the Revolution and to an influence of the events happened in Russia on development of political thoughts of the Peruvian left intellectuals. The focus of the article is a common perception of the Revolution by the Peruvian organized left movement and the role of revolution in ideological pursuit of José Carlos Mariátegui and Víctor Raul Haya de la Torre as two key persons and thinkers of the Peruvian left movement of the first half of the XX century.

Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(1):85-95
pages 85-95 views


The horror genre in the world art. Iberian and Western folklore motifs

Baglay V.E.


Modern cinema, including horror films, in search of artistic and commercial success, is persistently looking for successful projects, where the right path is certainly the right choice of characters and plots. The article deals with horror in game cinema, based on the motives of folklore and post-folklore. As an example, the use of images of monsters from the Iberian ethno-folklore, as well as other similar characters in other cultures, is analyzed. The advantage of such scenarios is their originality. Films based on them are guided by traditions, the artistic images of which develop organically in the collective memory of ethnic groups. In addition, invariants are formed that differ in a greater variety than those generated by the imagination of individual cinematographers. Such a direction of horror development is a possible way to overcome cliches in horror films as an essential direction of modern Western cinema.

Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(1):96-110
pages 96-110 views

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