Local Solvability, Blow-Up, and Hölder Regularity of Solutions to Some Cauchy Problems for Nonlinear Plasma Wave Equations: III. Cauchy Problems

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Three Cauchy problems for Sobolev-type equations with a common linear part from the theory of ion acoustic and drift waves in a plasma are considered. The problems are reduced to equivalent integral equations. We prove the existence of unextendable solutions for two problems and the existence of a local-in-time solution for the third problem. For one of the problems, by applying a modified method of Kh.A. Levin, sufficient conditions for finite time blow-up of solutions are obtained and an upper bound for the solution blow-up time is found. For another problem, S.I. Pohozaev’s nonlinear capacity method is used to obtain a finite time blow-up result and two results concerning the nonexistence of even local solutions, and an upper bound for the solution blow-up time is obtained as well.

About the authors

M. O. Korpusov

Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Email: korpusov@gmail.com
119991, Moscow, Russia

E. A. Ovsyannikov

Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University; National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”

Author for correspondence.
Email: evg.bud@yandex.ru
119991, Moscow, Russia; 115409, Moscow, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2023 М.О. Корпусов, Е.А. Овсянников

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