p-Regularity Theory and the Existence of a Solution to a Boundary Value Problem Continuously Dependent on Boundary Conditions

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For a given boundary value problem, the existence of a solution depending continuously on the boundary conditions is analyzed. Previously, such a fact has been known only for the Cauchy problem, which is a classical result in the theory of differential equations. We prove a similar result for boundary value problems in the case when they are p-regular. In the general case, this result does not hold. Several implicit function theorems are proved in the degenerate case, which is a development of p-regularity theory concerning the existence of a solution to nonlinear differential equations. The results are illustrated by an example of a classical boundary value problem, namely, a degenerate Van der Pol equation is considered, for which the existence of a solution depending continuously on the boundary conditions of the perturbed problem is proved.

About the authors

Yu. G. Evtushenko

Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control,” Russian Academy of Sciences; Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University)

Email: yuri-evtushenko@yandex.ru
119333, Moscow, Russia; 141701, Dolgoprudnyi, Moscow oblast, Russia

B. Medak

Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, Siedlce University

Email: prof.tretyakov@gmail.com
08-110, Siedlce, Poland

A. A. Tret’yakov

Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control,” Russian Academy of Sciences; System Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences; Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, Siedlce University

Author for correspondence.
Email: prof.tretyakov@gmail.com
119333, Moscow, Russia; 01-447, Warsaw, Poland; 08-110, Siedlce, Poland


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Copyright (c) 2023 Ю.Г. Евтушенко, Б. Медак, А.А. Третьяков

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