Reconstruction of Two Functions in the Model of Vibrations of a String One End of Which Is Placed in a Moving Medium

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The paper considers an inverse problem of determining the coefficients in the model of small transverse vibrations of a homogeneous finite string one end of which is placed in a moving medium and the other is free. The vibrations are simulated by a hyperbolic equation on an interval. One boundary condition has a nonclassical form. Additional data for solving the inverse problem are the values of the solution of the forward problem with a known fixed value of the spatial argument. In the inverse problem, it is required to determine the function in the nonclassical boundary condition and a functional factor on the right-hand side of the equation. Uniqueness and existence theorems for the inverse problem are proved. For the forward problem, conditions for unique solvability are established in a form that simplifies the analysis of the inverse problem. For the numerical solution of the inverse problem, an algorithm is proposed for the stage-by-stage separate reconstruction of the sought-for functions using the method of successive approximations for integral equations.

About the authors

O. A. Andreyanova

Lomonosov Moscow State University

119991, Moscow, Russia

A. Yu. Shcheglov

MSU-FPI University in Shenzhen, Longgang District, Dayunsirchen

Author for correspondence.
Longgang District, Dayunsirchen 518172, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China


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