Calculation of a Strong Resonance Condition in a Hamiltonian System

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A method for symbolic computation of a condition of existence of a third- and fourth-order resonance for investigations of formal stability of an equilibrium state of a multiparameter Hamiltonian system with three degrees of freedom in the case of general position is proposed. This condition is formulated in the form of zeros of a quasi-homogeneous polynomial of the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial of the linear part of the Hamiltonian system. Computer algebra (Gröbner bases of elimination ideals) and power geometry (power transformations) are used to represent this condition for various resonance vectors in the form of rational algebraic curves. Given a linear approximation of the characteristic polynomial in the space of its coefficients, these curves are used to obtain a description of a partition of the stability domain into parts in which there are no strong resonances. An  example of a description of resonance sets for a two-parameter pendulum-type system is given. All computations are carried out in the computer algebra system Maple.

About the authors

A. B. Batkhin

Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences; Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

125047, Moscow, Russia; 141701, Dolgoprudnyi, Moscow oblast, Russia

Z. Kh. Khaidarov

Samarkand State University

Author for correspondence.
140104, Samarcand, Uzbekistan


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Copyright (c) 2023 А.Б. Батхин, З.Х. Хайдаров

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