Microwave-Assisted Hydrothermal Synthesis of Ceric-Ammonium Phosphates (NH4)2Ce(PO4)2⋅H2O and NH4Ce2(PO4)3



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The possibility of preparation of crystalline double cerium(IV) phosphates (NH4)2Ce(PO4)2⋅H2O and NH4Ce2(PO4)3 under the conditions of microwave-assisted hydrothermal synthesis has been analyzed. It has been shown that these phosphates in a single-phase state can be obtained in the temperature range of 130–190°С with a synthesis duration of ≥5 min, while the phase composition of the synthesis products is determined by the molar ratio of ammonia and phosphoric acid in the reaction mixture. Short-term (5 min) low-temperature (130°С) hydrothermal synthesis under microwave heating leads to the preparation of (NH4)2Ce(PO4)2⋅H2O and NH4Ce2(PO4)3 with a particle size of ~70 and ~200 nm, respectively. At higher temperatures and treatment times (190°C and 24 h), the particle size of these phases increases to ~200 and ~500 nm, respectively. For the first time, the value of the optical band gap for (NH4)2Ce(PO4)2⋅H2O was determined to be 2.8 and 3.1 eV for indirect and direct transitions, respectively.

Sobre autores

I. Tronev

Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences; National Research University Higher School of Economics

Email: van@igic.ras.ru
119991, Moscow, Russia; 101000, Moscow, Russia

E. Sheichenko

Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences; National Research University Higher School of Economics

Email: van@igic.ras.ru
119991, Moscow, Russia; 101000, Moscow, Russia

L. Razvorotneva

Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences; National Research University Higher School of Economics

Email: van@igic.ras.ru
119991, Moscow, Russia; 101000, Moscow, Russia

E. Trufanova

Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences; National Research University Higher School of Economics

Email: van@igic.ras.ru
119991, Moscow, Russia; 101000, Moscow, Russia

P. Minakova

Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences; National Research University Higher School of Economics

Email: van@igic.ras.ru
119991, Moscow, Russia; 101000, Moscow, Russia

T. Kozlova

Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: van@igic.ras.ru
119991, Moscow, Russia

A. Baranchikov

Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: van@igic.ras.ru
119991, Moscow, Russia

V. Ivanov

Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences; National Research University Higher School of Economics

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Email: van@igic.ras.ru
119991, Moscow, Russia; 101000, Moscow, Russia


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Declaração de direitos autorais © И.В. Тронев, Е.Д. Шейченко, Л.С. Разворотнева, Э.А. Труфанова, П.В. Минакова, Т.О. Козлова, А.Е. Баранчиков, В.К. Иванов, 2023

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