Upravlyaemaya lazernym izlucheniem spin-volnovaya interferentsiya v neregulyarnoy magnonnoy strukture




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Using experimental and numerical investigation, we demonstrate laser-controlled propagation and interaction of spin waves in an irregular magnetic structure in the geometry of the Mach–Zehnder interferometer. It is shown that the use of laser radiation for heating one of the interferometer arms leads to controlled interference of a spin-wave signal in the output section. The yttrium–iron garnet film heating under the action of laser radiation is measured experimentally. Using micromagnetic modeling, the evolution of the spin-wave interference pattern under the action of laser heating of one of the interferometer arm is demonstrated. The results of this study ensure a simple solution for developing tunable spin-wave interferometers for the paradigm of the magnonic logics.


A. Grachev

Laboratory “Magnetic Metamaterials,” Saratov State University

Email: andrew.a.grachev@gmail.com
410012, Saratov, Russia

A. Sadovnikov

Laboratory “Magnetic Metamaterials,” Saratov State University

Email: andrew.a.grachev@gmail.com
410012, Saratov, Russia


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