Determination of the Matrix Composition of Glasses of the Ga–Ge–Te–I System by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry

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A procedure is developed for the high-precision determination of matrix elements of high-purity glasses of the Ga–Ge–Te–I system, containing from 5 to 15 at % Ga, from 10 to 20 at % Ge, from 69 to 75 at % Te, and from 1 to 6 at % I, using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry. The procedure includes two stages independent of each other: determination of the ratio of the mass fractions of Ga and Te to the mass fraction of Ge (stage 1) and determination of the mass fraction of I (stage 2) in the glass sample. Based on these values, the mass and mole fractions of each matrix element of the analyzed sample were calculated. Sample preparation includes the acid dissolution (provides quantitative transfer of Ga, Ge, and Te into the solution) and alkaline opening (provides quantitative transfer of I into the solution) of samples. The accuracy of the results of analysis was confirmed by comparing the results of an analysis of model solutions and model glass samples with the calculated composition. The estimated uncertainty of the results of analysis is 0.05–0.1 at % at P = 0.95.

About the authors

I. I. Evdokimov

Devyatykh Institute of Chemistry of High-Purity Substances, Russian Academy of Sciences

603951, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

A. E. Kurganova

Devyatykh Institute of Chemistry of High-Purity Substances, Russian Academy of Sciences

603951, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

A. P. Velmuzhov

Devyatykh Institute of Chemistry of High-Purity Substances, Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
603951, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia


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