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卷 86, 编号 4 (2023)



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Nuclear Spin-Isospin Response within the Fayans Functional

Borzov I., Tolokonnikov S.


An effective approximation to a fully self-consistent global description of the total force function of b decay within the framework of the theory of finite Fermi systems is presented, based on the calculation of ground states within the framework of the modified energy density functional of Fayans et al. (DF3-f) and the continuum quasiparticle random phase approximation (CQRPA). The isovector parameter ℎ2− of the volume part of the functional has been refined, the permissible range of which was determined earlier by us from restrictions on the parameters of the equation of state for nuclear matter—the symmetry energy and its derivative at equilibrium density, obtained from a joint analysis of the value of the ‘‘neutron skin’’ ΔRnp of the nuclei  208Pb and 48Ca, found in the PREX-II and CREX experiments, results of ab initio calculations of the properties of the ground states of nuclei with the interaction of N3LO and systematics of data on the masses of neutron stars from astrophysical observations. New calculations of the Gamow–Teller strength functions for the reference doubly magic nuclei 208Pb and 132Sn, as well as for the nucleus 130Sn with developed neutron pairing have been carried out. In the proposed model, the global DF3-a + CQRPA calculations of beta-decay half-lives of heavy (quasi)spherical nuclei with Z = 81–83 and T1/2 < 240 s are conducted. Experimental lifetimes are described with accuracy up to factor 5.

Âdernaâ fizika. 2023;86(4):452-460
pages 452-460 views

Peculiarities of Rotational Bands in Heavy and Superheavy Nuclei: Description of Yrast-Band States in 248Cm

Efimov A., Izosimov I.


A further development of the expanded microscopic version of the IBM is presented by considering two-quasiparticle phonons with multipolarity up to J  = 14+J. The developed theoretical scheme is applied to describe the properties of the yrast-band states in 248Cm up to spin 34+. This heavy transactinide nucleus is the only nucleus in this mass region where the values of B(E2) up to spin I  = 28+ are measured. That is why it is considered foremost, because this information allows testing the presented theoretical scheme based on a larger volume of experimental data. The region of transactinide nuclei differs from lighter ones by the absence of the effect of the back bending in the moment of inertia dependence on the square of the rotation frequency up to the spin I  = 28+. This article is intended in particular to find out the reason for this effect. Peculiar properties of the rotational bands in heavy and superheavy nuclei are discussed.

Âdernaâ fizika. 2023;86(4):461-475
pages 461-475 views

Nuclear Mass Model Based on Bayesian Estimate of Local Difference Experssions of Binding Energies

Stopani K., Vladimirova E., Negrebetskiy V., Simonov M., Tretyakova T.


The Bayesian estimates of the value of the residual neutron–proton interaction energy Δnp  using the Markov chain Monte Carlo method and Tikhonov regularization. These estimates are used for calculation of the nuclear mass table for A > 20. The accuracy of the obtained predictions is evaluated by comparison with experimental data from AME2020 and other theoretical nuclear mass models.

Âdernaâ fizika. 2023;86(4):476-484
pages 476-484 views

Proposal and Analysis of an Experiment for Accurate Measurement of the Muon Lifetime and the Fermi Constant

Bakalyarov A., Klimov A., Machulin I., Meleshko E., Selivanov V.


An experiment is proposed for a record-breaking measurement of the world Fermi constant GF during the decay of a positive muon. All systematic errors were analyzed. The Fast Program (FP) was developed and tested using the GEANT data and running ≈1500 times faster. 1014 events were collected with two options for selecting events. An accuracy of 0.46 ps for the muon lifetime and 0.1 ppm for the GF value was obtained taking into account all systematic errors. The accuracy of the theoretical calculations of GF is 0.14 ppm within the framework of the Standard Model interactions of elementary particles

Âdernaâ fizika. 2023;86(4):485-494
pages 485-494 views

Numerical Simulations of the Acceleration of Fast Protons and of the Excitation of Nuclear Reactions 11B(p, 3a) and 11B(p, n)C11 at the Intensities of Picosecond Laser Radiation in the Range 1018-1019 W/cm2

Andreev S., Matafonov A., Tarakanov V., Belyaev V., Kedrov A., Krainov V., Mukhanov S., Lobanov A.


Results of numerical simulations for acceleration of proton beams at the irradiation of Al target by a superintense laser pulse are presented. There is a good agreement with the experimental data in a broad range of laser intensities from I = 1018 W/cm2 to I = 1019 W/cm2 at the fixed laser pulse duration. The obtained parameters of proton beams were used for calculation of the total yield of a particles and neutrons for the nuclear reactions 11B(p, 3a) and 11B(p, n)C11
C at the collisions of proton beams with boron targets. It is shown that the number of a particles escaping boron target and arriving at track detectors is less than 5
 of the total amount of a particles, because the majority of these particles remain inside the target owing to ionization losses. The derived values of the yield of 
 particles’ which arrive at detectors are in good agreement with the experimental data. We also calculate the total yield of neutrons in the reaction 11B(p, n)C11
C. It is found that, at the intensity I = 1019  W/cm2 of the picosecond laser pulse, the yield is equal to Nn = 1.4 × 108 , this value is approximately of 3%  of the total yield of a  particles.

Âdernaâ fizika. 2023;86(4):495-505
pages 495-505 views

Scattering of Positive Muons by Atoms of Inert Gases

Chernysheva L., Yarzhemsky V.


In the present work, the cross sections of elastic and inelastic scattering of positive muons by He and Ar atoms at low and medium kinetic energies are calculated by the methods of many-body theory with the use of the ATOM-M software package. For comparison, the results of elastic and inelastic positron scattering at the same energies are also given. The dependence of the phases and scattering cross sections on the charge of the particle and its mass, as well as on the charge of the nucleus of the scattering atom, is discussed.

Âdernaâ fizika. 2023;86(4):506-511
pages 506-511 views

Leptonic Decay Widths for the Composite System of Two Relativistic Fermions

Chernichenko Y.


The new relativistic semiclassical leptonic decay widths of vector mesons as the relativistic systems of two quarks with arbitrary masses interacting by means of the funnel-type potentials with Coulomb interaction are obtained. The behavior of the relativistic leptonic decay widths of vector mesons is investigated. Comparison of the behavior for new expression with its relativistic spinless analog is given. Consideration is conducted within the framework of completely covariant quasipotential approach in the Hamiltonian formulation of quantum field theory via a transition to the relativistic configurational representation in the case of two relativistic spin particles of arbitrary masses.

Âdernaâ fizika. 2023;86(4):512-523
pages 512-523 views

Erratum to: Approximation of Differential Cross Sections for Elastic Proton-Nucleus Scattering

Galyuzov A., Kosov M.



Âdernaâ fizika. 2023;86(4):524-524
pages 524-524 views