
Динамика численности и распределение снетка – формы европейской корюшки Osmerus eperlanus (Osmeridae) – и черноморско-каспийской тюльки Clupeonella cultriventris (Clupeidae) в Рыбинском водохранилище в период их совместного обитания
Герасимов Ю., Комарова А., Тарлева А., Соломатин Ю., Базаров М., Борисенко Э.
Fish Nutrition at the Underwater Mountains of the Whale Ridge (Southeastern Atlantic). 3. Structure of Fish Accumulations and Fish Feeding
Gushchin A.
New Data on the Age, Size and Feeding of the Shi Drum Umbrina cirrosa (Sciaenidae) off the Black Sea Coast of Crimea
Tamoikin I., Kutsyn D., Vdodovich I.
First Data on Ecology and Biology of Arctoraja sexoculata (Arhynchobatidae) from the Area off Kuril Islands
Kurbanov  Y., Vinogradskaya A.
Morphometric Characters and Feeding Habits in the Early Ontogenesis of Kildin Cod Gadus morhua kildinensis (Gadidae) from Lake Mogilnoe (Kildin Island, Barents Sea)
Stroganov A., Strelkov P., Mukhina N., Stogov I.
Biological Characteristics of the Great Sculpin Myoxocephalus polyacanthocephalus (Cottidae) from Pacific Waters off the Kuril Islands and Southeastern Kamchatka in Autumn Period
Poltev Y.
New Data on Biology of Siberian Stone Loach Barbatula toni (Nemacheilidae) in Langeri River (Sakhalin)
Kirillova E., Kirillov P.
Biology and Distribution of Stellate tadpole-goby Benthophilus stellatus and Don tadpole-goby B. durrelli (Teleostei: Gobiidae)
Boldyrev V., Basko Y., Vipkhlo E.
Morphometric Analyses of the Angular Roughshark, Oxynotus centrina (Oxynotidae), with Biological Notes on Specimens from the Sea of Marmara
Kabasakal H., Uzer U., Gönülal O., Akyüz O., Karakulak F.
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