
On orphan uniqueness to standard technology
Saverskiĭ A.
Intoxication by alcohol and substitutes: prehospital diagnosis and emergency medical care
Ostapenko Y., El'kis I., Ostapenko Y., Elkis I.
Methodological approaches to the expert appraisal of therapeutic care quality in chronic cholecystitis
Nechaeva G., Akhmedov V., Bereznikov A., Konev V., Nechayeva G., Akhmedov V., Bereznikov A., Konev V.
Analysis of the management of hypertension complications in patients during emergency care
Alpysova A., Subbota Y., Adambekova A., Telembetov N., Maratkyzy M.
The problem of rare (orphan) diseases in the Russian Federation: Medical and normative legal aspects of its solution
Novikov P.
Organizing the medical care for the COVID-19 patients in non-infectious Moscow hospital: reassignment experience
Nikitin I., Melekhov A., Sayfullin M., Agafonov S., Bedritskiy S., Vishninskiy A., Gultiaeva N., Guseynov E., Ermakov N., Zorin E., Koroleva I., Kudryavtsev D., Manevskiy A., Negovskiy A., Petrovichev V., Rudakov B., Ruleva A., Serebryakov A., Sitnikov A., Fedosova N., Khammad E., Avramov A., Agaeva A., Golubykh K.
Trends in hospitalizations of patients with acute coronary syndrome and indicators of the atmospheric state in Moscow in 2009-2012
Kozlovskaia I., Bulkina O., Lopukhova V., Kolmakova T., Karpov I., Starostin I., Baratashvili V., Rubinshteĭn K., Emelina S., Borovikov V.
Results of circulatory disease detection during prophylactic medical examination of the adult population: the first two years’ experience
Kalinina A., Ipatov P., Kushunina D., Egorov V., Drozdova L., Boytsov S.
Better diagnosis is an obligatory condition for improving medical care quality
Glybochko P., Mukhin N., Svistunov A., Fomin V.
Identification of circulatory diseases and their risk during medical examination of an adult population: Methodological aspects
Kalinina A., Ipatov P., Kaminskaia A., Kushunina D.
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