
Pulmonary paecilomycosis: Diagnosis and treatment
Strelyaeva A., Svistunov A., Dzhomaa R., Sapozhnikov S., Chebyshev N., Ashurov A., Maksimov M., Lazareva N., Gabchenko A., Sadykov V.
Epidemiological parameters in the evaluation of endemic goiter in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania
Tsabolova Z., Zangieva O., Basieva O.
The results of the “Tiromobil" epidemiological trial of pregnant women in the Russian Federation
Troshina E., Abdulkhabirova F., Fedak I., Platonova N., Pronina L., Kavtaradze S., Arbuzova M., Il'in A.
Iodine prophylaxis in pregnant women: a comparativeanalysis of different methods efficacy in conditions of goiter endemia
Turovinina Е., Suplotova L., Khramova E., Smetanina S.
Radioactive iodine in the treatment of Graves' disease: history and modern concept of radionuclide therapy
Sheremeta M., Korchagina M., Pesheva E., Fadeev V.
Assessment of the influence of different factors on the risk of the development of a new coronavirus infection in patients with contrast induced acute kidney injury
Isaev G., Mironova O., Fomin V.
Iodine deficiency disorders as a non-infectious epidemic: a look at the problem at the tome of COVID-19 pandemic
Mel’nichenko G., Troshina E., Gerasimov G.
Amiodaron-induced thyroid dysfunction: pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment
Melnichenko G., Sviridenko N., Molaskenko N., Platonova N., Aleksandrova G., Egorov A.
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