Interdisciplinary consensus on Russian-language terminology of anorectal sphincterometry and profilometry


Aim – to describe the results of a multidisciplinary discussion on the terminology of anorectal sphincterometry (AS) and profilometry (AP). We performed online survey with the use of public platform “Google forms” to harmonize Russian terms to be used to describe the results of AP and AS and their abbreviations. The invitation to participate in the survey was sent to the authors who use the results of AP and AS in clinical practice and perform the diagnostic procedures. The obtained answers were analyzed with the use of the aggregator and Statistica 10 (StatSoft Inc, USA) software. The level of consensus was analyzed with the use of modified Delphi criteria (C1 – agreement of ≥90% of participants, C2 agreement of ≥75 to <90%, C3 – less than 75%). Invitations sent 76, responses obtained 63 (response rate 82.9%). Consensus level 1 was reached for all the terms of AP and for 4out of 7 terms to describe the results of AS (3 out of 7 terms were of moderate agreement, C2). The need for the use of predefined abbreviations of terms for AS and AP was of a low rate of consensus (71.4%). The agreed terms of AS and AP should be used to prepare a conclusion for the diagnostic procedures and to publish scientific reports.


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