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Aim. To study effectiveness of antimycotic medication with flucostat in patients with visceral candidiasis.
Material and methods. Diagnosis of bronchopulmonary, gastrointestinal, urogenital candidiasis was
verified microbiologically in 152 patients aged 20 to 78 years. Candidiasis was treated with flucostat:
50 mg and 150 mg capsules per os and solution (100-50 ml) intravenously by dropper.
Results. The response was achieved in 140 (92.1%) patients: cure - in 107 (70.4%), improvement in 33 (21.7%),
mycological sanation - in 125 (82.2%) patients.
Conclusion. Cure of chronic diseases complicated by mycotic infection is not always achieved after
mycotic sanation. Some symptoms of severe chronic pathology persist and require long-term symptomatic

About the authors

G N Makova

Городская клиническая больница № 81, Москва

Городская клиническая больница № 81, Москва

I V Kurbatova

Городская клиническая больница № 81, Москва

Городская клиническая больница № 81, Москва


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