Therapeutic efficacy of imatinibmesilate (glivek) in chronic phase of myeloid leukemia

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Aim. To evaluate efficacy and tolerance ofglivek in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) in patients who
failed interferon-alpha (If-a) preparations.
Material and methods. 79 patients in a chronic phase of Ph+CML with hematological and cytogenetic
resistance or intolerance of If-a. The response to glivec was assessed by achievement of a complete
hematological remission and the cytogenetic effect (the degree of reduction of cell clone Ph+ in bone
marrow). Tolerance and safety of the drug was studied by monthly standard clinicohematological tests.
Results. Not only a hematological remission (92.4%), but also partial (46.8%) or complete (27.8%)
elimination of BCR-ABL±cells were achieved after 12 months of the treatment. Glivec was well tolerated.
Hematological toxicity primarily as neutropenia and thrombocytopenia were observed in 54.4
and 42% patients, respectively. Neutropenia of the third degree which made impossible to continue the
treatment was observed in 29.1% patients; throbocytopenia of the third degree was registered in 16.5%
patients. Among most frequent поп-hematological side effects there were moderate edema, nausea, leg
muscle convulsions, weight gain, arthralgias, skin eruption. All the complications were transient, were
managed in all cases with only a short-time discontinuation of glivec therapy.
Conclusion. High activity of glivec at early stages of CML allows using this drug as a first-line therapy
in patients with CML

About the authors

A G Turkina

ГНЦ РАМН, Москва

ГНЦ РАМН, Москва

N D Khoroshko

ГНЦ РАМН, Москва

ГНЦ РАМН, Москва

G A Druzhkova

ГНЦ РАМН, Москва

ГНЦ РАМН, Москва

В V Zingerman

ГНЦ РАМН, Москва

ГНЦ РАМН, Москва

E S Zakharova

ГНЦ РАМН, Москва

ГНЦ РАМН, Москва

E Yu Chelysheva

ГНЦ РАМН, Москва

ГНЦ РАМН, Москва

O Yu Vmogradova

ГНЦ РАМН, Москва

ГНЦ РАМН, Москва

E V Domracheva

ГНЦ РАМН, Москва

ГНЦ РАМН, Москва

A V Zakharova

ГНЦ РАМН, Москва

ГНЦ РАМН, Москва

L G Kovaleva

ГНЦ РАМН, Москва

ГНЦ РАМН, Москва

T I Kolosheinova

ГНЦ РАМН, Москва

ГНЦ РАМН, Москва

L Yu Kolosova

ГНЦ РАМН, Москва

ГНЦ РАМН, Москва

V S Zkuravleva

ГНЦ РАМН, Москва

ГНЦ РАМН, Москва

L Yu Tikhonova

ГНЦ РАМН, Москва

ГНЦ РАМН, Москва


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