Use of venofer for correction of iron deficiency in patients on programmed hemodialysis

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Aim. To study iron metabolism in patients on programmed hemodialysis (PH) in oral and intravenous
administration of iron drugs; to compare clinical and financial results of using such drugs.
Material and methods. A two-stage trial studied iron metabolism in 158 PH patients on replacement
therapy with erythropoetin. They received correction of iron deficiency with oral drugs (stage I) and
venofer (stage II).
Results. The study of iron metabolism has found its deficiency in 2/3 patients receiving oral iron: absolute (48%)
and relative (20%). Administration of venofer led to a 2-fold increase in the number of
patients with normal iron metabolism. The target Hb and Ht were achieved in 2.5 times more patients
than before venofer treatment. The dose of erythpoetin in such cases was reduced by 40%. Side effects
were not observed. The week cost of venofer treatment per patient was tower by 22.5$ than the cost of
treatment with oral iron drugs.
Conclusion. Venofer correction of iron deficiency in PH patients is more effective both clinically and
financially than use of oral iron preparations.

About the authors

A F Fesyuk

Центр экстракорпоральной терапии ООО "Компания ФЕСФАРМ"

Центр экстракорпоральной терапии ООО "Компания ФЕСФАРМ"

A I Mordik

Центр экстракорпоральной терапии ООО "Компания ФЕСФАРМ"

Центр экстракорпоральной терапии ООО "Компания ФЕСФАРМ"

E V Borisova

Центр экстракорпоральной терапии ООО "Компания ФЕСФАРМ"

Центр экстракорпоральной терапии ООО "Компания ФЕСФАРМ"

A V Borisov

Центр экстракорпоральной терапии ООО "Компания ФЕСФАРМ"

Центр экстракорпоральной терапии ООО "Компания ФЕСФАРМ"

E V Lovchinsky

Центр экстракорпоральной терапии ООО "Компания ФЕСФАРМ"

Центр экстракорпоральной терапии ООО "Компания ФЕСФАРМ"


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