Effects of combined psychocorrectionon dynamics of pain syndrome and psychological status ofpatients with spinal osteochondrosis

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Aim. To study effectiveness of a new psychocorrection method (combined use of neuroleptic trifluoperasine
and psychorelaxation therapy using biological feedback) in rehabilitation of patients with longterm
pain syndrome provoked by spinal osteochondrosis (SOC) to determine predictors of response to
this method of psychocorrection.
Material and methods. 132 patients with SOC and associated pain syndrome were examined using
pain assessing methods and psychological tests.
Results. Psychocorrection including neuroleptic significantly raises the efficacy of SOC treatment and
relieves pain, hypochondric fixations and depressive disorders. The reduction of pain syndrome intensity
in the course of psychocorrection correlates with attenuation of hypochondric disorders and inclination
to fixation. As to predictors of the treatment effect, the strongest relief of pain in psychocorrection
was achieved in patients with hypochondric and anxiodepressive disorders.
Conclusion. Combined psychocorrection comprising minimal doses of neuroleptic trifluoperasine and
psychorelaxation is effective in the treatment of SOC patients with long-term pain syndrome.

About the authors

V P Zaitsev

РНЦ восстановительной медицины и курортологии, Москва

РНЦ восстановительной медицины и курортологии, Москва

O G Tyurina

РНЦ восстановительной медицины и курортологии, Москва

РНЦ восстановительной медицины и курортологии, Москва

T A Aivazyan

РНЦ восстановительной медицины и курортологии, Москва

РНЦ восстановительной медицины и курортологии, Москва

F E Gorbunov

РНЦ восстановительной медицины и курортологии, Москва

РНЦ восстановительной медицины и курортологии, Москва

S G Maslovskaya

РНЦ восстановительной медицины и курортологии, Москва

РНЦ восстановительной медицины и курортологии, Москва


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