Clinicomorphological assessment of budesonide efficiency in patients with bronchial asthma

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Aim, To study clinicomorphological efficacy of inhalation glucocorticosteroid budesonide (benacort,
Pulmomed, Russia) in bronchial asthma.
Material and methods. Twenty patients with bronchial asthma were treated with budesonide.
Results. A response to budesonide was manifest to the end of treatment week 1. Budesonide reduced
frequency of acute asthma episodes and the need in inhalations of short-acting $2-agonists. The peak
expiratory velocity (PEV) rose by 12% in three months, variability of PEV lowered by 13%, in 6
months by 21%o, in 12 months by 31% compared to pretreatment values. In 12 months hypersecretion
and thickness of basal membrane decreased. Three-month treatment also reduced eosinophil and lymphocyte
epithelial count and cell density of stromal infdtrate in bronchial mucosa. In 12 months cell
density of stromal infdtrate diminished.
Conclusion. Bronchial asthma treatment with budesonide for 12 months reduces 24 hour rate of acute
asthma episodes, the need in the disease exacerbations, improves functional indices of respiration but
morphological composition of bronchial mucosa does not normalize completely this showing the necessity
of longer budesonide administration

About the authors

A A Budkova

СГМУ; Городская больница № 3, Томск

СГМУ; Городская больница № 3, Томск

L I Volkova

СГМУ; Городская больница № 3, Томск

СГМУ; Городская больница № 3, Томск

S R Budkov

СГМУ; Городская больница № 3, Томск

СГМУ; Городская больница № 3, Томск

V S Bogomyagkov

СГМУ; Городская больница № 3, Томск

СГМУ; Городская больница № 3, Томск


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