Effect of cordaron on systolicand diastolic functions of the left ventricle in patients with amixed form of chronic cardiac failure and cardiac arrhythmias

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Aim. To study effects of cordaron on central hemodynamics reflecting systolic and diastolic functions
of the left ventricle (LV) in patients with a mixed form of chronic cardiac failure - a systolic dysfunction
and L V diastolic dysfunction type I.
Material and methods. 14 patients with a mixed form of chronic heart failure (CHF) and cardiac arhythmia
were followed up for 6 months. All the patients received ACE inhibitors, diuretics, nitrates
and, additionally, cordaron in a supporting dose 200-300 mg/day. Control of central hemodynamics
was made with echocardiography before, 1, 3 and 6 months of therapy.
Results. For 6 months of therapy LV ejection fraction increased by 16%. LV diastolic function improved,
primarily, due to a rise of the E max (by 52% for 6 months of therapy). This reflected early diastolic filling
of the LV. Improvement of LV diastolic function was associated with heart rate desrease.
Conclusion. Cordaron used in addition to ACE inhibitors, diuretics, nitrates improves both systolic
and diastolic LV function in patients with a mixed form of CHF.

About the authors

N A Mazur

Российская медицинская академия последипломного образования Минздрава РФ, Москва

Российская медицинская академия последипломного образования Минздрава РФ, Москва

O V Sosonkina

Российская медицинская академия последипломного образования Минздрава РФ, Москва

Российская медицинская академия последипломного образования Минздрава РФ, Москва


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