The association between the development of autoimmune polyglandular syndrome in adults and polymorphism of HLA class II genes and the predisposition to the development of chronic adrenal insufficiency in the context of these syndromes

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Aim: to consider association of chronic adrenal insufficiency in patients with APS of adults with polymorphism of class II HLA genes, CTLA-4 and PTPN-22. Materials and methods. The case-control study involved 78 patients with APS 2, 3, 4 types and 109 healthy subjects). Alleles of the HLA class II genes, CTLA-4 and PTPN-22 were identified by the multiprimer allele-specific PCR method. The statistical analysis was carried out using the exact two-sided Fisher test. The association of the chronic adrenal insufficiency in patients with APS was determined by the value of the odds ratio (OR - odd's ratio), the value of 95% confidence interval (95% CI - confidence interval). Results and discussion. Haplotypes DR3-DQ2 (OR = 4.06), DR4-DQ8 (OR = 5.78), genotype DR3/DR4 (OR = 19.7), DQA1 * 0301 allele (OR = 4.27), as well as genotype DQA1 * 0301 / DQA1 * 0501 (OR = 13.89) predispose to the development of APS of adults compared to the control group. APS patients were divided into two groups according to the presence of chronic adrenal insufficiency (APS 2 and 4 types - in one group and type 3 APS in the other group). Haplotype DR3-DQ2 (DRB1 * 17-DQA1 * 0501 -DQB1 * 0201) (OR = 2.6), as well as the genotype DR3/DR4 (OR = 4.28) found the strongest association with the development of adrenal insufficiency in patients with APS of adults. Protective haplotypes DRB1 * 01-DQA1 * 0101-DQB1 * 0501 (p<0.01, OR = 0.07), as well as the DRB1 * 01 allele (p<0.01, OR = 0.08) have been identified with respect to the development of adrenal insufficiency in adult APS patients. Conclusion. Examination of patients with APS of adults without chronic adrenal insufficiency for the presence of protective genes for the development of adrenal insufficiency will allow better predicting the risks of developing of the disease within the syndrome.

About the authors

A A Larina

National Medical Research Center of Endocrinology, Ministry of Health of Russia

заочный аспирант отд. терапевтической эндокринологии; ORCID: 0000-0003-0622-2141 Moscow, Russia

E A Troshina

National Medical Research Center of Endocrinology, Ministry of Health of Russia

член-корр. РАН, проф., зам. директора Института клинической эндокринологии, руководитель отд. терапевтической эндокринологии Moscow, Russia

O N Ivanova

National Medical Research Center of Endocrinology, Ministry of Health of Russia

к.б.н., в.н.с., зав. лаб. генетики и клинической иммунологии Moscow, Russia


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