Cardiovascular disease and associated comorbid conditions as determinants of adverse perinatal outcomes in pregnancy - an analysis of the results of the register of pregnant BEREG

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The Aim of the BEREG Registry was to analyze the prevalence and structure of cardiovascular diseases, associated comorbid conditions and assess their effects on pregnancy and perinatal outcomes in real clinical practice.In Tula city regional perinatal center the observation study named "Assessment of the clinical condition of the pregnant women with cardiovascular disease during gestation, at child delivery, at the early postpartum period and at twelve months after childbirth and assesment of perinatal outcomes, condition of the fetus and the newborn and the quality of treatment of these patients groups.All eligibly pregnant women hospitalized in 2014 to "Tula regional perinatal center" have been recruited in the Registry. Clinical and demographic data at admission, obstetric history, laboratory and instrumental examination data, previous medical history have been investigated. The following endpoints were evaluated: maternal mortality, death of the fetus and newborn baby; preeclampsia or/and eclampsia, heart failure, arrhythmia, thromboembolism events.Statistical processing of obtained data was carried out using the software package STATISTICA10.0 (StatSoft, USA).The study included 3214 women delivered babies in the perinatal center in 2014, of which 691 (21,4%) were diagnosed with cardiovascular disease (CVD) in most cases (451 women, 65,9%) - these were different clinical variants of arterial hypertension (AH). Five women (0.7%) had acquired and 23 women ( 3.3%,) congenital heart defect, non-significant heart development abnormities were found in 80 subjects, (11.6%). and Cardiac arrhythmias and conductivity disturbance have beenrevealed in 116 and 16 cases (16.8% and 2.3%) correspondingly.Patients with CVD were significantly older than women without CVD and more often had a variety of disorders of carbohydrate metabolism, overweight, obesity and chronic varicose disease of the lower extremities. Pregnancy in women with CVD significantly more often was complicated by the threat of interruption, placental insufficiency, preterm and operative babies delivery.Arterial hypertension as well as obesity, placental insufficiency and threatened miscarriage became prognostically unfavorable conditions that contributed of premature birth and fetal death. Fetal death or newborn babies death took place in 1,3% of all the subjects enrolled. In this cohort antenatal death have been registered in 43,2%, intrapartum one in 2.3% and neonatal death in 54.5%.Negative rognostic factors for low birth-weight babies were: placental insufficiency, various clinical variants of AH, obesity and infectious diseases; less input had endocrine diseases and risk of abortion.Adverse factors for the fetus death or newborn death were different clinical variants of arterial hypertension and the risk of abortion in any trimestre of pregnancy.

About the authors

R I Stryuk

Evdokimov Moscow state medical dental University Ministry of healthcare of the Russian Federation

д.м.н., проф., зав. каф. внутренних болезней стоматологического факультета Москва

C A Burns

Evdokimov Moscow state medical dental University Ministry of healthcare of the Russian Federation

д.м.н., проф. каф. внутренних болезней стоматологического факультета Москва

M P Filippov

Evdokimov Moscow state medical dental University Ministry of healthcare of the Russian Federation

к.м.н., ассистент каф. внутренних болезней стоматологического факультета Москва

Ya V Brytkova

Evdokimov Moscow state medical dental University Ministry of healthcare of the Russian Federation

д.м.н., доцент каф. внутренних болезней стоматологического факультета Москва

I V Borisov

Evdokimov Moscow state medical dental University Ministry of healthcare of the Russian Federation

аспирант каф. общественного здоровья и здравоохранения Москва

E L Barkova

Evdokimov Moscow state medical dental University Ministry of healthcare of the Russian Federation

старший лаборант каф. внутренних болезней стоматологического факультета Москва

T A Gomova

Tula regional hospital Ministry of healthcare of the Russian Federation

к.м.н., зам. главного врача по общим вопросам ГУЗ ТО «Тульская областная клиническая больница» Тула

E A Kozina

Tula regional perinatal center Ministry of healthcare of the Russian Federation

главный врач ГУЗ «Тульский областной перинатальный центр» Тула

O A Nagirnyak

Research Institute for complex issues of cardiovascular diseases

врач-кардиолог отд-ния рентгенохирургических методов диагностики и лечения Кемерово


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