Characteristics of lipid metabolism and the cardiovascular system in glycogenosis types I and III

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Glycogen storage disease (GSD) is an inherited metabolic disorder characterized by early childhood lipid metabolic disturbances with potentially proatherogenic effects. The review outlines the characteristics of impaired lipid composition and other changes in the cardiovascular system in GSD types I and III. It analyzes the factors enabling and inhibiting the development of atherosclerosis in patients with GSD. The review describes the paradox of vascular resistance to the development of early atherosclerosis despite the proatherogenic composition of lipids in the patients of this group.

About the authors

N V Polenova

ФГБУН «ФИЦ питания и биотехнологии»

Москва, Россия

T V Strokova

ФГБУН «ФИЦ питания и биотехнологии»

Москва, Россия

A V Starodubova

ФГБУН «ФИЦ питания и биотехнологии»

Москва, Россия


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