The specific features of pain syndrome in patients with hemophilia

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Aim. To study the nature of pain in hemophilic arthropathy and its prevention ways used by patients with hemophilia. Subjects and methods. A prospective, multicenter, cross-sectional study was conducted to interview 136 patients with hemophilia A or B. The survey included 32 points, including questions about drug and nondrug pain treatment, as well as questionnaires to assess the severity of pain and its impact on daily life (Brief Pain Inventory) and those to identify a neuropathic pain component (PainDetect questionnaire). Results. 83 (75%) patients with hemophilia experienced acute pain associated with bleeding into the large joints; 44 (39%) patients had chronic pain that had lasted longer than six months; 33% assessed the moderate pain experienced in the past 24 hours as severe (more than 5-8 of the 10 scores). In addition to the above, only 32% of the respondents indicated that they had painless intervals within the last 24 hours. 75% of the hemophilia patients mentioned to have limited daily activities. 74% reported their partial or complete disability when pain occurred. 77% of the respondents pointed out that when having pain, they had experienced great difficulty walking. 55% of the hemophilia patients had sleep disorders because of pain. When acute pain occurred, only 91 (81%) respondents injected a factor VIII or IX preparation, 37% of the respondents used narcotic analgesics; 51% received different nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; 13% took paracetamol. Some patients indicated that they used alcohol and illegal narcotic drugs to relieve pain. Attention is drawn to the fact that the hemophilia patients very frequently took painkillers: 60% of the respondents used analgesics every month; of them 49% had them every week, 11% every day. Most patients (n=83 (74%)) stated that they treated pain (prescribed drugs) themselves; 49 (44%) patients held they were dissatisfied with their pain treatment. When the question as to how the analgesic you used could “remove’ pain was asked, only 12 (10%) patients answered that this could fully relieve the pain; 31 (26%) patients told that the pain was not reduced even by half. The study has shown that a neuropathic pain component is very common in hemophilia patients (31%). Conclusion. Pain in patients with hemophilia is a serious problem that negatively affects their quality of life, including their working capacity. The prevention and treatment of pain in hemophilia patients should involve the following: organization of educational activities and pain services; adequate treatment of acute pain; detection and prevention of a neuropathic pain component.

About the authors

O K Levchenko

Гематологический научный центр Минздрава России

Москва, Россия

E M Shulutko

Гематологический научный центр Минздрава России

Москва, Россия

V Yu Zorenko

Гематологический научный центр Минздрава России

Москва, Россия

G M Galstyan

Гематологический научный центр Минздрава России

Москва, Россия


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