Resistant cytomegalovirus infection in related donor kidney allograft recipients

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Aim. To clarify whether cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection can affect the results of living related donor kidney transplantation. Subjects and methods. A study group included 17 (7.27%) patients (10 men and 7 women; 8 children and 9 adults) aged 3 to 51 years who had developed resistant CMV infection. For comparative analysis, a control group was formed from 113 patients (61 men and 52 women; 40 children and 73 adults) aged 1 to 61 years, whose CMV polymerase chain reaction (PCR) had always been negative, i.e. CMV DNA was absent. The duration of CMV infection episodes was 44 to 232 days. Results. The patients were given valganciclovir in a dose of 450 mg/day. CMV PCR was negative in all the patients at the end of therapy. None of the patients died; one graft was lost. In the control (negative CMV PCR) group, 6 grafts were lost in 113 patients lost and 4 patients died. Statistical analysis showed that the results of related donor kidney transplantation were virtually equal. Conclusion. Suppression of resistant CMV infection can be achieved with the longer use of valganciclovir or its higher dose. CMV infection fails to affect the results of related donor kidney transplantation.

About the authors

V A Goryainov

РНЦХ им. акад. Б.В. Петровского


M M Kaabak

РНЦХ им. акад. Б.В. Петровского


N N Babenko

РНЦХ им. акад. Б.В. Петровского


E N Platova

РНЦХ им. акад. Б.В. Петровского


A G Aganesov

РНЦХ им. акад. Б.В. Петровского


M M Morozova

РНЦХ им. акад. Б.В. Петровского


V V Panin

РНЦХ им. акад. Б.В. Петровского



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