Detection of cognitive deficit in a therapist's practice: Review of screening scales

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Acute and chronic cognitive impairments quite often complicate visceral diseases. In this connection, it is important for a therapist to know brief scales to screen for cognitive impairments. Tests, such as a six-component screener, a short orientation-memory-concentration test, a short portable mental status questionnaire, Hodkinson's abbreviated mental test (AMT) (AMT-4 and AMT-10), a clock drawing test, and 4 'A's Test (4AT) may be used for the primary assessment of cognitive functions. Mini-Mental Status Examination may be further used if dementia is suspected; the Montreal Cognitive Assessment may be applied to identify moderate cognitive impairments. Special scales, such as the confusion assessment method for the intensive care unit, are employed to diagnose acute cognitive dysfunction.

About the authors

M A Kutlubaev

ГБУЗ "Республиканская клиническая больница им. Г.Г. Куватова", Уфа



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