A case of acute opisthorchiasis concurrent with chronic hereditary hemolytic anemia

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The paper analyzes the clinical and laboratory manifestations of acute Opisthorchis invasion concurrent with chronic hereditary hemolytic anemia before and after antihelminthic therapy. It gives the results of direct clinical observation of a patient in the acute phase of opisthorchiasis in the presence of Minkowsky-Shauffard disease. His examination encompassed conventional laboratory and instrumental studies used in hepatology, such as physical, biochemical, and immunological examinations (tests for viral hepatitis markers and autoimmune liver diseases), and abdominal ultrasound scanning and magnetic resonance imaging. The patient with acute opisthorchiasis concurrent with hemolytic anemia was found to have a preponderance of clinical and laboratory manifestations of hepatocholangitis in the early stages of the disease and a prevalence of subfebrility with progressive eosinophilia in the presence of regressive symptoms. The clinical and laboratory signs of hereditary microspherocytosis suggest that the process is decompensated. The found clinical and laboratory changes correspond to the natural course of the diseases. The magnitude of changes in laboratory parameters suggests that there is an intercurrent interaction of infectious and somatic diseases, but does not hinder dehelminthization.

About the authors

A N Navrotskiĭ

ГБОУ ВПО "Омская государственная медицинская академия" Минздрава России

Email: annavrotskiy@yandex.ru


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