Role of Helicobacter pylori eradication in the prevention of gastric cancer

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The review deals with the current aspects of prevention of non-cardia gastric cancer (GC). Helicobacter pylori is the most common cause of non-cardia GC. The Correa cascade remains a major pattern of the pathogenesis of non-cardia GC as before. The key moments in gastric carcinogenesis are H. pylori infection; genes associated with cell recognition of bacteria; an immune response and the activation of an inflammatory response. The prevention of GC requires H. pylori eradication as primary prevention in combination with screening for this pathology as secondary prevention of gastric malignancies. Standard three-component therapy is a first-line major regimen for H. pylori eradication.

About the authors

V V Tsukanov

ФГБУ "НИИ медицинских проблем Севера" СО РАМН, Красноярск


O S Amel'chugova

ФГБУ "НИИ медицинских проблем Севера" СО РАМН, Красноярск

É V Kasparov

ФГБУ "НИИ медицинских проблем Севера" СО РАМН, Красноярск

N N Butorin

ФГБОУ ВПО "Хакасский государственный университет им. Н.Ф. Катанова", Абакан

A V Vasiutin

ФГБУ "НИИ медицинских проблем Севера" СО РАМН, Красноярск

Iu L Tonkikh

ФГБУ "НИИ медицинских проблем Севера" СО РАМН, Красноярск

O V Tret'iakova

ФГБУ "НИИ медицинских проблем Севера" СО РАМН, Красноярск


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