Use of the immunopotentiator N-acetyl-glucosamine-N-acetylmuramyl dipeptide during triple anti-Helicobacter pylori therapy

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AIM: To evaluate the efficiency of first-line Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy with glucosаminylmuramyldipeptide (Licopid JSC "Peptek", Russia). /MATERIAL AND METHODS: Eradication therapy was performed in 128 patients (84 men and 34 women; mean age 44.1±13.5 years) with duodenal bulb ulcer associated with H. pylori. The latter was detected in the gastroduodenal mucosa by a morphological study and rapid urease test before and 6-8 weeks after treatment and discontinuation of all drugs. Gastric metaplasia areas in the duodenum were revealed by periodic acid-Schiff and Alcian blue staining. The patients were divided into 4 groups according to the treatment protocol: 1) omeprazole (O) 0.04 g/day, clarithromycin (C) 1 g/day, amoxicillin (A) 2 g/day for 7 days (ОCА7; n=33); 2) the above drugs for 14 days (ОCА14; n=34); 3) O 0.04 g/day, C 1 g/day, A 2.0 g/day for 7 days, and glucosаminylmuramyldipeptide (Licopid) (L) 0.001 g/day for a day (ОCА7L1; n=34) and 4) the above drugs and L 0.01 g/day for 10 (ОCА7L10; n=27) /RESULTS: According to the data of intention-to-treat analysis and per protocol, the H. pylori eradication rate was 81.8 and 87.1% for ОCА7; 82.4 and 93.3% for ОCА14; 88.2 and 93.8% for ОCА7L1; 88.9 and 96% for ОCА7L10 after PT and RRT, respectively. The rate of side effects was as follows: 6.1% for ОCА7; 17.6% for ОCА14 (5.9% stopped treatment); 5.9% for ОCА7L1; 7.4% for ОCА7L10. The cost of the treatment protocols was $ 32 for ОCА7; $ 64 for ОCА14; $ 40 for ОCА7L1; $ 67 for ОCА7L10. The intake of glucosаminylmuramyldipeptide (licopid) 0.001 g/day during 7-day triple anti-Helicobacter pylori therapy increased eradication by 6.4% (ITT) and 6.7% (PP), without raising the rate of side effects /CONCLUSION: Н. рylori-positive patients with duodenal bulb ulcer should be given glucosаminylmuramyldipeptide (Licopid) 0.001 g/day during 7-day first-line eradication therapy as alternative to the 14-day treatment regimen.

About the authors

M R Konorev

Витебский государственный медицинский университет, Беларусь



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